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Mod Request: Legate Lanius Armor/Helmet/Sword


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Because that would mean porting the armor over from Fallout: New Vegas and that just isn't allowed. A modder would have to make the armor from scratch and that is allot of work. Granted it would make a cool addition to Skyrim but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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Make it from stratch? it should fit to the skeleton, the skeletons are near enough the same shape as fallout/oblivions. One could make a duplicate of tullius's armor, and change the mesh and select the legate armor mesh, and add the texture, etc.


Isn't allowed? What's with all the porting from other games then?


Oh well, if it can't be on nexus I could have a go at doing it myself for my own personal use and maybe upload to another site where i'm free to.

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