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Neverine Mod


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What about this. I have been thinking about starting a a neverine mod for Oblivion. Picture this he returns from his "vacation" in High Rock with a group of followers. They have uncovered a plot to overflow the whole culture of Vvardenfell and turn it into an Imperial State, or something along those lines. I still have to work the story out. So basically you could join up with him and try and stop the corruption that is taking over Vvardenfell. Of course you wouldn't actually go there as you are trying to take out the root of the problem which is in the capital. As of now that is just an idea for a story I just would like to bring the neverine back. My one concern is that the neverine was different in everyones Morrowind games therefore I am not sure what I want to make him (if it is a him). Any inpit would be appreciated.
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