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Seein the Future


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This could be the only mod that changes to your actions .Basicly theres a scientist that creates the first cyro pod ( human lol ) and he needs it testing and you test it. You wake up about 100 - 150 years after the test and you find a note on a footlocker witch has all ur stuff and the note is from the scientist tellin you about the time and space contimun. The first quest is find a way back to your time. There are other quest like Supermuttant lords gathering the supermutants to attack a place. In my opion this is the best part of the mod if you do a complete a quest like "Power Of Atom " and u save megaton it will still be there and it proberly have grown. I suggest you start the quest at the begin and get the thing that take you back to your time and after evry quest like "Power Of Atom" you go back to see what has changed
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