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How to disable Virals


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Nice job!




I would like to know where to silence weapons & not just the audio, as I did find that, kind of fun shooting a double barrel shotgun with no sound other than the projectiles tearing through zombie guts, but the attraction level so that it makes a little audio ring on mini map.


You can change the noise type for each weapon listed in inventory.scr and inventory_gen.scr. It's usually the last line of each weapon script. You can also adjust the noise types themselves (like the loudness as perceived by zombies). I don't have the files in front of me right now, but I believe the noise types are defined in hdr_snd_groups.


Oh, ok. I did find it before, shotgun for example, in the inventory_gen.scr file.


I tried disabling it with // in front as well as at the end.

Even tried deleting it, but had no change ingame, so I gave up on it. I do see in the inventory.scr file, though, that some items have NoiseType NONE. I will give that a try.

I will look again in the hdr file. Hopefully find a way to disable the "Virals are Coming" sound.

Thanks for the direction!



Replacing with NONE does not, at least alone, seem to do anything & have unable to silence/suppress weapon fire.



The noise type reactions are specified in aggression.scr


I'm looking through it right now, will try to find a solution.

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The noise type reactions are specified in aggression.scr


I'm looking through it right now, will try to find a solution.

As long as the virals are out, I don't really mind, I don't even mind if zombies come out of the woodwork when firing weapons. Seems more realistic, as a zombie game goes. But I'm still interested to see what your finding are.


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Hey does anyone know what SoundGroup("Walker_Horde_ambience") does? Its set to 0.0 for me but i wonder if anyone has played around with it and what it does when turned up.

I don't know. Based on the name I can guess that it will add a zombie horde background noise even when zombies are not near. If that is the case, I would prefer it off. I imagine you could change the setting to something like 1.0 & see if you notice any difference.

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Cool idea, but I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that only firearms do not attract virals, basically silenced weapons, anybody have any leads for accomplishing this? Or even reducing the number of virals that spawn when firing a weapon, or even better, modding it so that when firing a weapon there's only a chance of a viral showing up, like in ten shots of a pistol only 2 virals show up when normally maybe 10 would have showed up?



Another idea that I was wondering if anyone could figure out is if when a noise is made, that the viral runs to the noise, but doesn't automatically home in on the player, I find this annoying and unrealistic, like when I was on a ten story building and threw a knife at a red barrel on the ground 50 feet away, why does the explosion there cause the virals to scale to where I'm at, shouldn't they run to where the barrel exploded? I think that's just stupid, and takes away tactical gameplay possibilities.

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Actually ive had a lot of times where im throwing molotovs off a building or shooting a gun and the virals will come to the area and not notice me right away or at all and just kinda creep around looking for me but not finding me. But still, later in the game they seem to come out of everywhere for no reason and are kinda annoying.

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Awesome. No more virals :-). Feels more realistic in my opinion now. In my opinion, zombies are slow lumbering creatures that are brainless. You can fire a few shot gun blasts into their bodies and they can take it, but you should be able to easily out manuover them. The virals just didn't seem right, and they were annoying too.
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