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Crash on generating objects.


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I am trying to generate the textures for my landscape in the toolset but each time I do it crashes. My terrain is roughly 2.5x Cyrodill so I am thinking maybe it's just too large for the computer to handle. I have 4 textures ( for grass, cliffs, snow, and snow/rock.) No trees or anything yet. Has anyone else had this problem every time they generate? I have managed to save the region and try to generate as soon as I open a fresh toolset, but no luck. It seems random (as in, not certain cells - it sometimes happens 5 seconds into generating and sometimes a minute or two.) I would think this system can handle it. Its an Athlon 64x2 6400 with 4GB of RAM. So I am wondering if there is another possible alternative other than making smaller regions. (As a side note - I have generated textures before but on much smaller regions.) I know there are tools for generating the LOD land textures, but the base textures I have not found anything for. Thanks.
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as far as i know, even in the original game, the landscape is divided into parts, and the game can't handle a landscape too large

so have you divided your area into sections, and i think cells, or not??

because that could very well be the problem (but i'm not sure, as i've never actually worked on such a thing)

I'm thinking that's the issue. This is the first time I have tried generating textures on a space this big. Guess I can try to make the areas smaller. Was trying to save time, but I guess it will give me more control over textures anyway if I seperate mountains, plains, and hills.


Edit: I know the landscape itself isn't too big for the game. My mod is just a little over half the size of Middle Earth in the MERP mod, so I know the game can handle it. And the toolset. But MERP also has about a bazillion regions when I open it in the CS so I guess I just need to buckle down and get the regions all divided.

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Now if I could get it to quit crashing when I switch quads on the heightmap editor while I map out the points for the regions... lol. One problem after another. 3/4 of the time I can't even save the mod if I have done more than 2 things since I started the CS without it crashing.
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