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Warhammer oblivion


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I intend to begin work on a massive world mod in which i will recreate the warhammer world . primarily the oldworld bretonnia kislev the badlands the chaos wastes and the area to the east the border princes


im looking for other modders with an interest in warhammer. and preferably players of warhammer. its no use if your not familiar with warhammer. i will eventualy need scripters .


when i begin work( few weeks from now) i will have base map uploaded with the intended cities marked but not worked on( a flag stuck in the ground for example.

i beleive many new textures will be required for this . of both races weapons buildings and creatures

i welcome all advice in this


please make a post if you are interested in working on this and i will contact you

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This seems like a major... no that's an understatement... extremely massive undertaking. If you just wanted to recreate the world that would be relatively easy, yet very, very time consuming. Doing the towns and landmarks is a whole new thing all together, aside from Skingrad none of the vanilla stuff comes to mind when I think of Altdorf style structures. The sheer time it would take to make all of the new buildings and textures means this is a project that will take months, if not a year or more. New NPCs and scripting will make this a very very lengthy process and huge mod.


Now that my rantings of doom and gloom are over...


I think it's an awesome idea, I do environments in CS and doing the cities and specific areas would be my calling, I've often thought of just copying Warhammer Online's world just for fun. the thing is without the meshes done first, I have to work around a lot of holes. Also it's almost impossible to do large scale worlds without a map or concept. I've never done this myself, but if you can get a topographical map somehow I'm sure someone with the skill can paint it out on the heightmap editor and make that part fairly painless. I would be in for it, but only after you have assembled a team of 5 or more. I can only sit on my thumb until the maps and meshes are done, so having me on early is of little to no use.


Overall good luck on this endeavor.

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i fully understand and intend for this project to take months. if not longer. im quite fanatical about warhammer and feel that maby this project can do it justice . while hopefully also making oblivion so much better. not only will this bring about a massive mod but give experience to other modders that help me . i will at some point need all kinds of modders but first i need someone experienced with the heightmap. and also with a lot of time .as the map they will be creating is huge. and i mean huge. it will dwarf tamriel.

please contact me if you are interested

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i fully understand and intend for this project to take months. if not longer. im quite fanatical about warhammer and feel that maby this project can do it justice . while hopefully also making oblivion so much better. not only will this bring about a massive mod but give experience to other modders that help me . i will at some point need all kinds of modders but first i need someone experienced with the heightmap. and also with a lot of time .as the map they will be creating is huge. and i mean huge. it will dwarf tamriel.

please contact me if you are interested


What are your own skills? How do you plan to work? Do you have any concept art? Any idea for quests? (Since most WAR quests are multiplayer based?) How do you plan to give your WARworld that feel people play oblivion for? (Ownable houses, being a hero, ect) How are you going to try to implement the war between destruction/order? (Oblivion can't handle large fights, the max is about 40 NPCs that all do the same thing). How will you communicate while working?


That asked, yes, I might be interested. But I'm working on my own mods, and before im going to join a large project like this one I wanna know these things.


Also, dont try to make your world exactly like WARs, keep in mind that these are 2 different games, and that oblivion has other needs to make a world good than warhammer. (Examples: LOD, dungeons, that kinda stuffs) and that oblivion relies on clutter NPCs rather than onnline players.

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WAR is not warhammer. i mean the original warhammer world not the new game that is so far the the most inaccurate rendition of the warhammer world since blizzard broke of a deal with gamesworkshop and made warcraft and starcraft. as i said. a knowledge of the warhammer world is crucial


ive fiddled with the construction kit a bit. and found it suprisingly easy. but as i said i would be mainly organizing who does what and reviewing any"finished" material to make sure it fits with the world.staying in contact in this age of technology shouldnt be a problem


as for concept art. i dont need any of my own. there is more than 30 years of it already. the warhammer world is already a completed entity. the groundwork is done , all it requires is work to get it onto the oblivion engine.


quests can wait until there is a gameworld to actualy put them in


oblivion and warhammer are different. warhammer is dark and gothic there is always a sense of doom


as for the war. i know its impossible to have large scale battles. which is something i accept as unchangable. but the war will not be so much in that way.

there are dozens of warhammer novels already that depict small warbands and single characters that have incredible adventures. gotrek and felix..the blackhearts.wine of dreams. ect ect. so thats not a problem. and i had the idea that the different races may not get along. example

humans dwarfs and elves wont attack on site( each has their own nation so there are big safe areas. but if a human player came across some beastmen or skaven for example than they would attack.which i beleive would give that feel of the warhammer world. where everyone is your enemy in some way.

. clutter npcs are easy. there are plenty in the warhammer world

i gotta go to uni and i dont have time to organize much in the next 2 weeks( final exams) so as i said i will be getting this project into full swing once im finnished at uni( 2 weeks

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this is a rough map of what i want to do. its the best map i could find in the few minutes i had avaliable. . if your not familiar with the world dont worry i willupload a better higher quality map when i find one. but those who know the world will get an idea


the areas that will be going in are .the empire,brettonia, estalia, tilea, sartosa( small. cant realy be seen) badlands,norsca mabye albion and the southern desert areas. i would like to include everything that can be seen but that depends in how development goes.

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You should have a quest which sends you to Lustria to infiltrate a lizardman temple city. Lizardmen are my favourite race and I think it would be a shame if they are left out. Oblivion already contains many good resources for making Lustrian jungle.


I made a little jungle island for illustative purposes.





The ruins need to be retextured if they are to be used for this project.


Anyway, I think it is a good idea and I will probably be able to help you.



BTW, I play Warhammer and collect lizardmen and tomb kings.

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