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Better enchanting possible?


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hi @all,


my apologies in advance if this has already been asked, a quick preliminary search didn't help.


[edit]Okay, my first draft was a bit different, too bad you can't edit the subtitle. This would have course make for more powerfull enchantments[/edit]


I am a bit disappointed in the way enchanting works. There are so many things in the game which could be used for enchanting but yet all there is, is the item itself and a soulgem (or Azura's Star or a Sigil Stones) that's it. Yes, your magic skills somewhat factor into it, too, but really not that much.

I simply would like to have some more options.

The first thing that came to my mind where using the Varla and Welkynd Stone. I would use the SoulGem for the power of the Spells, add some Welkynd for the number of charges (plenty of those available, but still limited supply that needs to be actually found) and finally add Varla Stones to make the thing a bit more powerful. (Maybe add 10% to the effects on the armor/weapon) For Armor's you would have to always add an appropriate amount of Welkynd Stones's for the full effect.

For example:

Glass Armor where you want to raise your strength.

Add a great soulgem = +1 strenght (with the possibility to go to 10)

Add a Varla stone = +1 strength (with the possibility to go to 11 now)

Add 11 Welkynd Stones = +11 Strength


As far as I know both Varla and Welkynd stones are limited supply, right? So while this gives the possibility of very powerful items (keep adding Varla Stones) it does limit the options. Save 'em all until you have the very best armor available you want (and suffer earlier because of a more difficult game) or spread them evenly across the game. It's not fully thought through, yet (as for the limits and effects), but both Varla and Welkynd Stone are rather pricey (and have other uses too) so that I think it would be a fair trade off.

(Of course this might not be possible at all... since I know absolutely nothing about modding I can't say)


Oh yeah, one last thing, I would love to actually be able to apply Sigil Stones to already enchanted items (that do not have a sigil stone enchantment already)! I am getting tired of closing down Oblivion Gates with no real payoff. (Since all my stuff is already enchanted and I rarely find a Sigil Stone that I could actually use, especially when taking into consideration that weapons can be enchanted with multiple spells to maximise effectiveness... like adding a soultrap spell to all my weapons)


So what do you guys think? Good idea, stupid idea? Possible? (And maybe any takers who would like to do this?)

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Nope, not possible. The enchantment system is hard coded. Some overly complicated scripting might be possible to allow you to use sigil stones on some of the standard (non-player) enchanted items. However this script would be a massive undertaking in it's own right, and not that useful in the long run. The main reason why you can't do anything is because the internal values of items (charges, enchantments, ect) cannot be read or manipulated through scripts. Everything from what is used in the process to what can be added as an enchantment, to how the enchantment works (constant, or on strike) is part of the hard coded stuff. You can make soul gems have a larger charge, but you can't change anything else.

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Baldur's Gate :)


Maybe it'll be possible through OBSE. You'll have to wait a little, though.




Oblivion Script Extender, a program which opened a lot of new scripting possibilities. There are a few mods out there already which require the mod. One that's basically purges the cell buffer (same effect as typing PCB in the console) every now and then, which can boost performance. Another one, which I personally love, allows more hotkeys, and multiple items on one hotkey. You could switch from heavy armor set, to clothes set, anything. :happy:

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  • 7 months later...
In the CS, under Gameplay->Settings..., scroll down until you find these entries:







I think these set the max enchantment value for each class of soul.





Not entirely sure about these. Try experimenting with one at a time.


And, as I said, there a re equations on the linked page.


As for the original topic, could these be changed via an OBSE script? So, for instance, you could have a special enchanting altar that allows more powerful enchantments?


(Looks like the relevant function is Con_SetGameSetting)

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