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I have a great fondness for the work of H.P.Lovecraft and found the addition of the Dunwich building to be a nice touch to the game. I have also found the added quest of finding/destroying the Krivbeknih from the Point Lookout DLC to be very nice - but I have always imagined that it would be quite nice to add some further content into the game:


Innsmouth - Considering we already have the Mirelurk Kings and the locals to Point Lookout, surely it wouldn't be too hard to reskin these creatures and build a town in Point Lookout in the vain of that notorious little fishing village. Perhaps a quest related to finding some kidnapped children/family members as well as some hidden notes which add canon material but also lead to a Unique Item.


Cythulhu Spawn/Hounds of Tindalos/Shoggoth/Nightgaunt/Elder Things - If these things could be created, they could be placed in the darker/hidden places in the Wasteland as rare, one-off encounters but would result in finding rare/unique gear.


If I could find someone willing to help create the models/skins for these monsters, I would be more then willing to create a series of quests based upon the Mythos to fit into the Fallout world.

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This would be a huge undertaking. Personally, I have some really great ideas that I'm really considering learning how to mod for. Specifically concerning the Commonwealth, Massachusettes, which is, of course, home to Arkham, Dunwhich, and Innsmouth. It's funny that this should come up here since I actually have all kinds of tabs open at this moment researching Lovecraft's Miskatonic area and Massachusettes in general.


If there's ever a Commonwealth DLC, you should bet on there being Lovecraft references.

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That sounds like a good idea; I think I might try and translate some Lovecraftian Stories into small quests for the game - Thanks for the suggestion Kendo.


So, on that basis - does anyone have a favourite Lovecraft story they think would make a good quest?

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That sounds like a good idea; I think I might try and translate some Lovecraftian Stories into small quests for the game - Thanks for the suggestion Kendo.


So, on that basis - does anyone have a favourite Lovecraft story they think would make a good quest?


The whole Innsmouth thing in general would be interesting to explore. That would be overall complicated, but cool.


We already have a fairly awesome Dunwhich quest. Wish that could be bigger, but it was short and simple and got the job done.


Honestly, I'd like to see a quest where you're hired off to locate a bunch of books of interest- being the various books mentioned in Lovecraft's tales. Kind of the like the Blackhall quest in Lookout, but expanded.


I also think you could make a fair quest out of "Pickman's Model", sort of. "The Hound" could easily be done, I'm sure.

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