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Crash every 40 min


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So, the game crash every 40 min. I've noticed it happen when virtual memory reach 750 MB. When the game crash virtual memory won't reset to original value (about 400Mo at startup). If i launch game again at this point, it instant crash on load. When i reboot, i can play another 40 min.


The virtual memory setting in windows is 2go. i also have plenty of space on my harddisk.

I use windows xp 32 bit.


Any idea to solve this ?

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My roomate and I have been playing since release , Both of us have random crashes, We have even had it were we lost all of the saves or during autosave when in transition I do not believe it is a Virtual Memory issue. But I wish you the best of luck fixing it, Some have had a lot of success at turning down the water detail for a preformance boost.
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The point is : it don't seems random to me. It always happen after around 40 min. And the virtual memory won't return to original value after crash. And then i crash in the same way the 1rst second i load the game until i restart the comp. After reboot i can play 40 min again.

Maybe it's not the virtual memory but something is screwed when i crash, and it don't turn back to normal until i reboot. What can it be ?


(I aslo checked heat on both cpu and gpu and value are ok)


I run the game in low detail(i could run it in med also but i wanted to avoid any issue from that since i had those crash) and the only things i upped a bit is the actor range.

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