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Tech. Question about Boone/Benny rumored glitch


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Hey folks,


So I was looking up the quest "One for my baby" and came across this:


WARNING: if you take Boone as a follower he tends to disappear around the time you deal with benny if that happens you may have to start over since caesars legion will attack you on sight thinking that boone is present, and you will not be able to make it into the fort to use the platinum chip.


Now is this a confirmed fact or just a rumor?


I don't wanna screw my game up and have to start over again from a earlier saved game, later down the road when I get to that part with Benny and all that.


Please let me know, thank you.

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I have not encountered this bug, but I can tell you that I made the mistake once of taking Boone with me on this part and was attacked. I now tell Boone that we must part and to wait for me in the Lucky 38.
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They said that I would get attacked with Veronica in my party too, but I didn't.


Also, he may disappear, but he might not as well.

For instance, I never experienced any of the Veronica lock ups. My Brotherhood Experience was flawless.


In any case, even if he doesn't disappear, it would be foolish to try and take him anyways, because as he warns you, he will shoot legion on sight.

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