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Dying Light Manager v0.11a


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When trying to download Dying Light Manager v0.11a you get to a web page that says...


File under moderation Review

This file is currently under review by a moderator and is not open for public access. Please do not contact the staff or the owner of the file regarding this issue unless you are the file owner or you might be penalised by the staff of the site.


...why now after game patch 1.4.0, it has never been like that before that game patch?


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From what I could deduct, I think that some people, since they were having problems with it, reported the file as bad or whatever... Happened on 1 or 2 files on Oblivion and Skyrim too, just because some people can't read and can't test... You don't wanna test? Don't do mods! Clear and simple!


I can clearly state that the problem is NOT from the author since the update link his software gives now links to a file sharing site... And version 0.11a works fine for me! (version 0.11 didn't).

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When i ran the old version 0.10 of Dying Light Manager it told me that there was a new version and if i wanted to download it, i accepted and 2 IE windows opened with Nexus and another web site where i could download the new version 0.11a :)

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Yes thats why i included more then 1 Downloadoption - It's locked because there was an not shown error in the Compile-Process and Nexus claimed it as a Virus - because an since 2003 outdated chinese useless Antivirus reported it.


Thats the reason why i will NO longer offer the Mod in any way on Nexus - just because i don't like to throw people to them watching Ads for them.

There are easy ways like disabling the Download and let me upload the correct File again, and check the File - but no - just lock it up like it is IT's nightmare.


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yea i know, Nexus flagged my first SweetFX as a potential virus :D

Edited by ceano
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I did download the file and it was absolutely fine by itself. But since I updated I get the error "Could not start because your game date seems to be corrupted". Probably someone else got this and simply assumed it would have to be the manager cuasing the problem. Which is probably true, but I doubt it was done intentionally. The next update might already fix this...

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Yes thats why i included more then 1 Downloadoption - It's locked because there was an not shown error in the Compile-Process and Nexus claimed it as a Virus - because an since 2003 outdated chinese useless Antivirus reported it.


Thats the reason why i will NO longer offer the Mod in any way on Nexus - just because i don't like to throw people to them watching Ads for them.

There are easy ways like disabling the Download and let me upload the correct File again, and check the File - but no - just lock it up like it is IT's nightmare.


Hei there.


Same problem here !


"Could not start because your game date seems to be corrupted"


I Re-instaled the game and test it once.


Then i started the Manager 0.11 and tried again. same problem.


Had to go back to the old one !

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Now i am using the Data3.pak way to activate mods, works perfect and no other program to depend on.

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