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Something that fires .45-70 Government ammunition


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here you go, i use this mod to take down Deathclaws and it uses .45-70 ammo. it works real good one on one, but if you get 3 or more you better run, lol the only real down side to the mod is that reloading take a while and it only has 3 shots. in the heat of battle the time it takes you to reload can easy cost you your life. so be aware of that when using it.




also there are hand loader mods out that will let you breakdown other ammo parts to make the .45-70 rounds. that's how i obtain them as they are very rare in the game itself.

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I think the Brush Gun is awesome =o

The Gun Runners get about 30 or so HP rounds on rotation. Regular ammo is harder to come by, but Its one of my favorite guns, so eh. Your problem can't be power, because Ive one shot sneak attacked a Deathclaws with it.


A couple of cool modded guns that use the ammo type would be cool though I guess.

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