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New Vegas crash at 50% CPU usage


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Like the topic title says, my problem is that whenever New Vegas reaches 50% CPU usage, it crashes. Now, I've played through the game normally 2 times without any crashes whatsoever. It's only recently after I started modding the game that its been crashing (My guess is that the CPU didn't reach 50% without mods). The time I can play varies from a few seconds after loading a save to 20-30 minutes. I ran the game in windowed mode with Windows Performance Monitor, and I found that the game crashed shortly after or exactly when it reaches 50% CPU usage. I've done this a few times to ensure myself that this is the problem.


I'm wondering, why? Why does it crash at 50%? And what can I do to make it play above 50%?


If it matters, the graphic card I'm using is Nvidia GT 8500, and I've got the newest driver (released 2010-25-10) which is supposed to have support for Fallout New Vegas. I'm also using the d3d9 fix, and playing with all settings except actor fade (Which I have at max) at the lowest.


I could also be completely wrong with the CPU thing and the actual reason for me crashing might be something else, but it's the best reason I can come up with.


Big thanks to anyone who might take his/her time to help!

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