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Simple Book/Tome Dispenser for New Characters (LAL Addon?)


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I love Alternate Start - Live Another Life. I love PerMa.

I also love Dead is Dead (permadeath).


Needless to say, i've been starting a lot of new characters lately.

When starting a new character, i would love a container (bookshelf?) that contains a few random skill books (3-5?).


Additionally, it would be great if it had 1 of the 3 basic destruction spell tomes. One of these spell tomes is needed because of the way perma handles perks, making it a bit of a hassle to get your first destruction spell.


I think this would add a lot of enjoyment to frequent replays, somewhat like a roguelike or random character generator.


Perhaps this could be placed in the prison cell where you begin in LAL?


Hopefully creating this seemingly simple mod would be worth your time. I believe at least a few others would enjoy this addition, with or without the mods mentioned above.


Thanks for your help / consideration!

Edited by SirSalami
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I like the idea. I use the first two mods you mention too and what I do now (at least with a mage character) is console, help "spell tome" 4, player.additem x y; to add a couple myself. I suppose it could be randomized. I'm no modder (or much of a coder) but the algorithm seems simple enough to have a list of possible spells for your shelf and random selection. Since you mention LAL it would likely only be something for some starts like the Vigilants of Stendar, College, or Necromancer starts... maybe a couple others. It wouldn't make much sense for a start with the Companions.

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the container would be easy to make. you would just have to make a few leveled items with the spelltomes and place a container with the items in the cell.


And to make it fit with LaL you could make a few different containers containing different leveled items fitting to the life you have chosen. so when you chose a life as necromancer for example then a container with random conjurationbooks will be spawned, and when you choose vigilants of stendarr then a container with restorationspells will be spawned. but i don't know how you would get that to work I think that you would have to change something on the dialogue with the statue to get the containers spawned, but i never messed with that, so i could only add the normal container but not the changing containers to fit to the life.


Edit: i just got the idea that you could place the containers in the startingcells of the lifes so that you have your chest directly near you after starting the new life. that would also prevent that the player just change the life over and over to get more tomes. that would be easier to make than the spawning of the containers in the startcell.

Edited by Estroya
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