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ok, found the mod (was tracking it already, so easy to find :))


now, if you want an easy install, i would suggest you get the OMOD versions, but if you don't know how to install an OMOD, then you should probably use the normal versions


also, read what each file does, and only get it if you want it

so i would assume you want the sword, armor and shield (and let's assume you don't want the glowing eyes)

so you will need to download the sword file, armor file, and armor addon file

if you want the glowing eyes, get the helm - shadow file as well


and just install them properly, and you should have no problems


hope this helps :)

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I got this mod to work, but i'm tryin' to get another mod to work that's NOT an OMOD. It's the Northrend Worldspace, and I pressed "Create", then "Add Archive" and made the mod an OMOD but I can't seem to find the Portal that leads to the worldspace! I don't think the mod worked. can someone try out downloading the mod and giving me instructions on how to put it into Mod Manager properly?
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sadly, i can't help you with that, as i won't try this mod (too many problems with Oblivion and such)


but are you sure you created the OMOD correctly, and then used it?? because after creating an OMOD, you still need to activate it

if you are sure that the mod is loaded (you can see the plugin checked in your load order) than there is some other problem

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Yeh, I activated it, but I'm sure the problem is I didn't create it properly or something. I know I unpacked it, I copied it to my Local Disk C:, then opened up the Mod Manager and pressed "Create", then "Add Folder" (I believe it was add folder), then pressed "Create OMOD". I checked the little info page on it and it said there was no script, could that be the problem?
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let me give you a suggestion, as i don't really understand the problem

when you are creating an OMOD, you can use the compressed file (rar, zip, 7zip etc) and you don't have to unpack it at all

that could cause the problem, but i doubt it


if you are sure you didn't make the OMOD as you should have, you can always manually install the mod

it's not the best option, but if it's either that or no mod, then you should decide

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Never mind, I got the Mod to work, but the only problem is I don't have the Shivering Isles so some of the meshes that are in the mod aren't showing up. They just appear as big yellow blash signs that say "WTF?! I'ma missing MESH!!." My question now is, do I have to BUY the Shivering Isles expansion to get this mod to work fully and properly?
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well, you have to install the Shivering Isles

so it would probably mean that you have to buy it (unless you have some other way of getting it.....)

since it's a copyrighted official creation of the company, no one can release it's contents, so yes, you'll have to get it, for it to work as it should


but on the other hand, it is an amazing expansion, with a great quest line, and it's really cool, so it's a good investment :)

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Yeh, I agree with you on that, as I have this on XBOX 360 and have both the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine for it. I got it on computer SOLELY for the Lich King Mod as i'm obsessed with him right now. The only other problem I have is a problem that EVERYONE else seems to be having. When I try to go into the Necropolis under the Spire, my game crashes.


For the patch, do I download it and treat it as a separate mod? Or do I have to put it into the existing Northrend worldspace mod somehow?

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