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Wearwolfs or wifes


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I been looking and looking for a player char wearwolf mod for a long time and a mod that lets you have a wife from start or get hiitched either way i been wondering if any one plan to make one or if its a dead cause any more them 2 things i been lookign for since i started playing and im suprised that since vampires are in it that wearwolfs are not since there enimies for life.


They can of go hand and hand you either got both or its dull.

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There is a werewolf mod thats come out yesterday or day before. Just look at the recent mods in the front page.



i looked and thats jsut a dumb suit of amor i play to play as one not look just look like one


With all due respect, that's about as good as you're going to get any time soon due to the many difficulties of trying to make it all work, not limited to, but certainly including; meshing, texturing, scripting, and setting up new animations. Even the werewolf suit from Morrowind was just a piece of equipment that made you look like a wolf, and made people hate you. If you don't like it, I suggest you try doing one better, or being quiet about it.

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Man, I love the Hiricine experiance... slipping on the ring with my level 67 char, killing everyone in Caldera and Balmora... those were the days.... Ah, dozed off. Yeah, I would like a experiance similar to the one foound in Fable as far as a wife goes, but with better "intercourse". Why rate a game M, then have a black screen at the child making parts? Stupid ESRB...
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Why rate a game M, then have a black screen at the child making parts? Stupid ESRB...

Repeat after me:


The ESRB does not censor games. It simply provides a more organized and official way of associating games with age groups at the retail level, which would otherwise be a completely improvised and arbitrary process. When game distributors say that they have changed a game's content "because of the ESRB ---" or make an insinuation to that effect --- they mean that the ESRB has simply advised them on what retailers would think of the content, and they have made the decision to change the game's content in order to advertise to a younger age group, and thus make higher profits.


Games get "censored" in this manner due to a combination of the avarice of distributors and the puritanical, anti-artistic ambitions of retailers. The ESRB simply serves as the messenger between these two parties, and no one loves the messenger who brings bad news.

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Pfft, either way, the company shouldn't be making a game based on what a board of retards say. Like Oblivion being rated M, or Splinter Cell. I am 15, and I have to get my mom to come to te store with me to buy a game that I am allowed to play anyways. It should be the parents responsibilty to ensure their kids aren't playing GTA: San Andreas, or Resident Evil 4. We underage consumers shouldn't have to pay the price. I blame it all on Joe Leiberman.
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Right, but I have to do that. There shouldn't be a rating board. It is happening, but I just as well could have gotten a stranger do it. My friends do it all the time. Then it would have become the parents responsibilty, but why should I have to wait around for a parent to get a game that I can play? Besides, why try to censor our youth? Try to stop corruption? Look at the Church, and the US government. Where ever you look you find corruption. Our youth should know what is really going on. As far as "It promotes violence" goes, that statement is BS. I play RE4, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament, CS: CZ, and you don't see me going out and shooting people do you? If you are that easily influenced, you shouldn't be near a game in the first place. Violent games allow us to filter our emotions through them instead of people.
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