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Bad side of modding...


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Bad side of making mods is, getting to see what developers were going to implement, but then for some reason they abandoned the idea(s). Some are salvageable, but some are beyond hope. I'm talking about the stuff that are beyond hope.


For example, apparently at some point in development, you were use your hook to pull the enemies towards you. Even though you can enable this, either it requires a special key / key combo, or it is just a leftover thing; cannot be salvaged (beyond hope).


Or the unused weapon meshes. Or the CHARACTER meshes. Yes, there are more characters in the game. More outfits (not talking about DLC outfits). Some outfits are salvageable, and actually is/are ready. Talking about outfits, apparently, again at some point, you were able to loot attachments and stuff, and attach them to your outfit. Upgrading your outfit, so to speak. I believe Juggernaut is the end result that devs come up with; instead of making attachable armor pieces, they just cooked the entire thing as one model and made it an outfit. That's my idea anyway.


Another example: Fury. Like in Dead Island, apparently at some point you were able to build fury, and then unleash it. Trying to salvage this one as well, but so far all my attempts were a failure, and I'm close to call it beyond hope as well.


I can give you many more examples. But it makes me sad. Some of them, I understand the reason. Game is fast paced; you move fast, there is an excellent parkour system, etc... some things just slow the game down, and are ignored/abandoned. But seeing some other things in this beyond hope category, which would fit the game, I just... don't know.

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I hope so. Depends on the mod tools. It can be very restrictive, or it can be open in some aspects, restrictive in others, or it can be fully open. Hoping for fully open, obviously. But I don't think we'll be able to change internal stuff - internal stuff being how the game handles files and such for example. Mounting files from outside. You can do it on some files, but if you want to skip vanilla files fully, no luck there currently. Anyway... back to bashing my head :P

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