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Bald Hairstyle - Simple yet often overlooked....


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It sometimes amazes me that you can get a 'balding' hairstyle (for char's that SHOULD shave their head) and a 'buzzcut' but, the option of having no hair at all on your Char's head is left out. Happened in Fallout 3 too! Thankfully mods like this one were around to save the day:




Can it be modified for NV??


I searched around before posting this so, if its on the Nexus already or up in the form, I couldn't find it. So ya, plain and simple: NO hair on the head.


Thanks ever so much for the consideration!

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See, thats the thing.. you can shave your head with anything that has a fine enough edge and there's something to use to lessen the friction (Vin Disel uses engine grease and a sharpened shrapnel shank in Pitch Black). One would a buzz cut would be the impossible look. How do you get your hair to be that short and uniform all over your head without an shaver and a trim guard? Same with the various fine beards / mustaches.


Honestly, bald makes way more sense than a lot of the hairstyles in the creator (do to the absence of product or proper hair cutting tools). Besides, its way more functional with hats and helmets haha.

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Are we ever going to get a bald/shaved head? I tried to install Ling's Coiffure just for the shaved head, but I can't get the mod to work right. We really need the bald head in NV. Please modders, please give us one. Thanx!
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