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Complete list of cut content?


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I've been digging around for information on material that was cut from the game, for a possible mod to build it back into the game and get to know the game. However...I can only find bits and pieces of information, namely the cut items list at DA wikia, the mod that added back Morrigan's dialogue, and information that Shale was originally intended to be included (which I can't really do anything about as this would probably violate something somewhere?)


So with all this in mind, are there more bits of dialogue, voice samples and so forth that didn't make it into the finished game but still could via a pack?

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Are you talking about replicating work that various modders have already done to restore said cut content? I'm not sure of the Nexus' stance on it but I doubt modders would be impressed if this is what you intend to do - the information on the wiki only exists today because of those involved in the creation of these mods spent a great deal of time and effort looking through various files so people like myself could restore it. The vast majority of stuff that was cut has already been restored to the game across several mods (mine being one of them) to my knowledge. Shale probably was meant to be included but was separated into a DLC due to publisher requirement.
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I'm not sure of the Nexus' stance on it but I doubt modders would be impressed if this is what you intend to do.

I wouldn't worry about other modders being impressed, create what you want....Just make sure you don't violate the TOS of the Nexus if you intend to release it as a mod. There are some very helpful staff members that will answer questions about the 'legality" of what your are proposing. LHammonds and DarkeWolf have been particularly helpful to me on many occasions. There are many situations where there are similar mods where one fits someone's taste better than the other one does. Variety is good. I wouldn't worry about whether someone else has done something either....as long as you don't use their work in your own and you do it all yourself you will be fine. Dealing with using content from the vanilla game in your mod gets tricky, TOS wise, so be careful.

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For me personally, I just feel it's important for those that put in the intial legwork to discover what was cut to be credited, perhaps I should have been clearer in my original post. If for example Kung Fu Man were to release a mod that is based in part off a list of cut content that several users compiled as part of an earlier work, they should be credited in any resultant mods, no? To me it's the same as using someone elses research without citing your source. That's just my opinion though. :thumbsup:
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I have no problem at all with crediting any and all contributors no matter how small the contribution. In addition I'd love to do some collaborating with folks as well on this. I've done similar work of this nature either way, and while there are a lot of fix and restore pack pieces floating around, one congealed item seems like it would really pack a good punch and be a fun project to do.
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If you want to do a mod to encompass all the dialouge fixes (which is what I'm assuming) then you can do so. The official line here is basically "you ask permission from modders and add them to the credits (and as well as the company itself who made it)". You are not doing anything wrong by encompassing them but it's best just to PM them and ask if you can use it. If they said no then you are on your own and have to search high and low for the various content. It's a good idea and I hope that you do well.
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