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Any body cares ! ?


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I would be so grateful if Anybody cares to create a savegame with these world states for me! ?


I need it to be a cute female warrior 2handed




Hero's Identity: Human male mage
Warden Alive and Well
Romanced Morrigan
Recruited Dog
Loghain Executed by Alistar
Persuaded the Revered Mother to Free Sten
Recruited Sten
Returned Sten's Sword
Nathaniel Alive and Well
Recruited Zevran
Zevran Alive and Well
Recruited Wynne
Wynne Alive and Well
Alistair rules frelden on his own
Warden and Alistair were not Lovers
Leliana Alive and Well
Morrigan did the Dark Ritual with the Warden
Acquired Flemeth's Grimoire and killed Flemeth
Ostagar Prisoner given guard food
Cured Mabari
The Arl of Redcliffe
Helped Redcliffe Fight
Helped Redclliffe Prepare for Battle
Connor Alive and Unpossessed
Bella Took Over the Tavern
Returned Sword to Bevin
Valena was Saved
Isolde Survived
The Urn of Sacred Ashes
Urn Not Poisoned
Broken Circle
Mages Supported
First Enchanter Survived
Disagreed with Cullen's Request
Nature of The Beast
Brokered Peace Between the Elves and Werewolves
Brought Cammen and Gheyna Together
Saved the Halla
Told Athras that his wife was killed by a warewolf like the keeper told him
Brough Varathorn Ironbark
Saved Deygan
A Paragon of Her Kind
Warden didn't destroy the anvil
Harrowmont Crowned King
Sent Dagna to the Circle
Did Not Encounter Mardy
Did Not Conceive with Mardy
Ruck killed And Filda was told that he is dead
Proved The Legion of The Dead's Connection to Nobility
Returned Tome To Shaperate
didn't help Burkel Create Chantry
Zerlinda Returned to Her Family
Completed Rogek's Lyrium Deal
Helped Orta Reinstate House Ortan
Ser Landry Alive
Told Bann Sighard About Oswyn
Brought Lost Verses to Sister Justine
Completed Slim Couldry's Crime Wave
Cleared the White Falcons out of the Pearl
Handled the Crimson Oars
Gave Bann Alfstanna Irminric's Ring
Returned Amulet to Elven Beggar
Found Goldanna
killed Marjolaine
killed Master Ignacio
The Landsmeet
Alistair rules frelden alone
The Battle of Denerim
Warden Killed Archdemon
Architect Spared
Keep and Amaranthine Protected
Recruited Oghren
Oghren and Felsi Reunited
Witch Hunt
Warden Went Through the Eluvian with Morrigan
Warden's Keep
Gained Power of Blood
Killed Sophia Avernus Allowed to Continue Research Ethically
The Stone Prisoner
Shale is dead after I choosed not to destroy the anvil
Mattias and Amalia Both Alive Neither Possessed
Recruited Shale
Hawke's Identity: Female Rogue
Humorous Personality
Romanced Isabela
Bethany Became a Grey Warden
Bethany Survived the Final Battle
Carver Died Escaping Lothering
Bartrand Spared
Helped Varric Discover Cause of Haunting
Varric kept the Red Lyrium Fragment
Fenris Alive and Well
Isabela Recruited
Isabela Returned with Book
Did not Give Isabela to the Arishok
Merrill Stayed with Hawke
Merrill Survived
Merrill not Destroyed the Eluvian
Merrill's Clan Survived
Did not Approve of Anders' Actions at the Chantry
Anders Survived
Aveline Married Donnic
Aveline Stayed with Hawke
Befriended Tallis
did not kiss Tallis
Recruited Sebastian
Befriended Varric
Joined the smugglers
Act 1
Convinced the Templars to Leave
Returned Martin's Cargo
Spared Kelder
Returned Seamus
Killed Ginnis
killed Danzig
Told Ghyslain of Ninette's Murder
Helped Hubert
Did Not Blackmail Ser Thrask
Idunna killed
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Keran Reinstated with the Templars
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Karras Alive and Well
Act 2
Gascard Spared
Did Not Side with Varnell
Did Not Side with Mother Petrice
Helped Hubert
didn't encounter Yevhen because I saved Nathaniel
Spared Javaris
Fought Against the Raiders Alone
Feynriel Freed
Arishok Killed
Act 3
Agreed to Help Nuncio
Let Zevran Go
Nathaniel Was Saved
Reunited Gamlen and Charade
Handed Conspirators to Orsino
Returned Emile to the Circle
Let Keran Go
Killed Bone Pit Dragon
Sided with the Mages
Sided with Larius
Found Malcolm's Will


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Explain why you can't spend 15 minutes creating that exact World-State in the Dragon Age Keep yourself, and I just might do it for you. :dry:

Because in egypt when you are late to pay for the damn internet connection for 1day they cut down your speed to 3 maybe 5 kps and I have more 12 days to wait for my damn first salary so I just got the game and spent too much money on it so you know .... help will be appreciated

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Send your EA/Origin ID to me in a PM and I'll make your world-state and share it. Then it will only take a few seconds for you to d/l it to your game, (much less than a full saved game) and you can create your own "cute female 2-handed warrior" off-line.
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Send your EA/Origin ID to me in a PM and I'll make your world-state and share it. Then it will only take a few seconds for you to d/l it to your game, (much less than a full saved game) and you can create your own "cute female 2-handed warrior" off-line.

I found someone who got it done for me ... Thanks anyway :yes:

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