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Growing weary of this.


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Black screens. Random black screens everywhere.


It could happen after I create my character, on my way to the pub for the first time, following Sandy to kill some Geckos, bypassing the geckos and just walking around a bit.

Black screen. No warning, no message, just a forced shutdown and lets try this again. Thanks for being completely f***ing complacent and incompetent at your jobs, Obsidian.


Anyway, yeah, I've done a few searches for other people with the same problem, but theirs' mostly seem to croak around a certain NPC or event.

Mine is completely random, it could be one minute after game start, or 5 or 10, but it's been this way since I paid for it.


I know it isn't my hardware, my laptop has never had a problem running any game, including Fallout 3 on High.


I have the Nexus Patch Compilation installed, anybody know about any more specific fixes, or am I waiting with fingers crossed for a patch so I can actually play the goddamned game? >__<

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I have the same problem. It started after the latest patch, not from the beginning though. There seems to be some indication that it is my nvidia 9800 GT that is causing the problem, but I haven't found any direct info about the issue or a fix.



Black screens. Random black screens everywhere.


It could happen after I create my character, on my way to the pub for the first time, following Sandy to kill some Geckos, bypassing the geckos and just walking around a bit.

Black screen. No warning, no message, just a forced shutdown and lets try this again. Thanks for being completely f***ing complacent and incompetent at your jobs, Obsidian.


Anyway, yeah, I've done a few searches for other people with the same problem, but theirs' mostly seem to croak around a certain NPC or event.

Mine is completely random, it could be one minute after game start, or 5 or 10, but it's been this way since I paid for it.


I know it isn't my hardware, my laptop has never had a problem running any game, including Fallout 3 on High.


I have the Nexus Patch Compilation installed, anybody know about any more specific fixes, or am I waiting with fingers crossed for a patch so I can actually play the goddamned game? >__<

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I have this same issue. I have a Nvidea 9800M GTS


It's been happening the entire time and it is completely random as well but I read somewhere that it could be from opening interaction menus and going through them really fast, particularly dialog menus. And I have noticed that it happens more often when I have been talking to a lot of people whether if I had recently talked to npcs or if I was talking to them right then.


I have also tried toggling emotions in console with "toggleemotions" to no avail. I have also tried a 4GBnv file to allow new vegas to use 4GB of RAM and that hasn't solved anything either. Finally the D3D9 perf fix file in the NV folder and out. And all possible combinations of the three.


I have to say it's my card because it wouldn't make sense for it to shut down only my graphics card and for it not to auto-reboot. As if it were overloaded with information or incompatible information. My drivers and patches are all up to date. I've also been monitoring my graphics cards temperature with GPU Z and the temperature never gets above 77. And I believe it should shut down at about a 100 or a 110. This normally happens within about 40 minutes so I would assume it's not overheating yet.

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I have this same issue. I have a Nvidea 9800M GTS


It's been happening the entire time and it is completely random as well but I read somewhere that it could be from opening interaction menus and going through them really fast, particularly dialog menus. And I have noticed that it happens more often when I have been talking to a lot of people whether if I had recently talked to npcs or if I was talking to them right then.


I have also tried toggling emotions in console with "toggleemotions" to no avail. I have also tried a 4GBnv file to allow new vegas to use 4GB of RAM and that hasn't solved anything either. Finally the D3D9 perf fix file in the NV folder and out. And all possible combinations of the three.


I have to say it's my card because it wouldn't make sense for it to shut down only my graphics card and for it not to auto-reboot. As if it were overloaded with information or incompatible information. My drivers and patches are all up to date. I've also been monitoring my graphics cards temperature with GPU Z and the temperature never gets above 77. And I believe it should shut down at about a 100 or a 110. This normally happens within about 40 minutes so I would assume it's not overheating yet.


See, this sounds like my problem I have occasionally with my HD4850.


It happens mostly when I'm in a menu and switching fast. It always crashes to a black screen and my card is clearly trying to recover, but doesn't. Makes me reboot my computer everytime. I at first thought it was my card failing as well, so I monitored it with GPUZ too. Nothing out of the ordinary there. So, I tried a different set of drivers for my card, and it cleared it up for the most part. Still found no permanent solution though. And it happened in FO3 too.

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