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Non guard NPC's Hostile to crime.


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I hate is the fact that if I try to pickpocket someone and get caught, they try to kill me. Some npc's run, which is okay, but most of them just pull out their weapon and try to kill me. Isn't there a mod that lets them call the guards on me instead, Similarly to the way they react to trespassing?


I've found a few mod's that make changes to crime like;


Realistic Crime Radius : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8078/?

and Reneers Crime Overhaul : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9887/?


Those mods are really nice, but I hate the whole NPC Hostility thing.

I've searched all over the nexus and found nothing like I want which is really unfortunate.


I have no idea if a mod that changes npc hostility to crime is difficult to make or not, but I think I need something like this to make my thief play through more enjoyable rather than just, pickpocket, get caught, than have to reload because I have to either die or kill someone, and don't want either to happen.

Edited by CelerExcursor
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I'd love to have this thing too. It's ridiculous. If an NPC doesn't accept my "yield" (sheathing my weapon), then I literally have to run to the nearest guard and turn myself in, and hopefully I get get through the dialogue prompts before the NPC kills me. I don't like savescumming, or using the console to clear my crimes - I want to be able to roleplay through the consequences of my actions. Getting slaughtered by NPCs for accidentally picking up a 5-Septim plate isn't not very immersive.


The only partial solution to this that I've found is to use Death Alternative. With DA, when you die in a town, you'll usually find yourself recovering in a nearby inn or something. Or if you are killed by guards, you'll wake up in jail. Unfortunately, I keep running into CTDs with DA installed, so I've had to uninstall it.


It would be far nicer if townie NPCs generally avoided combat at all costs. There's a "Confidence" property on NPC records (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Morality#Confidence). By default, friendly NPCs seem vary from Cowardly to Brave. Presumably, setting this to Cowardly for most NPCs would help with the situation, but I don't know how difficult that would be to change without huge compatibility issues. AFAIK, editing NPC records is usually to be avoided.


I'd settle for having "yielding" always work, though.

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