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Good at GECKin'? Bingo Bango & Rumface need YOUR help!

Bingo Bango

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Hello! Thanks for comin'!


My name's Bingo Bango! Me & my pal Rumface are working on a New Vegas companion mod (the name of of which is currently undecided). We want to do something fun and interesting (and maybe really epic) that fits in well with the setting & up to a standard that could be passed off as an official piece of DLC. We're both pretty laid-back and generally nice guys, so don't be scared of us.

We've both got a rich background in Source modding, working on projects including but not limited to Pirates, Vikings & Knights II, Operation Black Mesa, Guard Duty & Operation Lambda between us. I'm doing a degree in writing and have been doing voice artist stuff for a long time, so I'm going to be writing the dialogue&/or quest(s) & voicing the character (you can hear my demo reel here: http://voice123.com/josephbracken). Rumface is going to be compiling, texturing, doing general GECK work and helping out overall to package everything nicely. But we're lacking someone on the scripting and modeling side, and I could do with a creative hand writing storyline stuff.


So! That's where you come in maybe!

We need people experienced with GECK scripting and modeling and writing in order to keep this thing going (that could be three seperate people, of if you think you can juggle all three well enough, then it could be just one!). We want creative, interesting, driven, and above all, nice people so that we can get this done as best as possible and as quickly as possible.




So! PM me or give me a shout at bingobangobracken at gm ail dot com if you feel like jumping onboard with us.




Yours befuddlingly,

Bingo Bango




Me & another dude are making an awesome vegas companion mod, it'll be great and if you're good at GECK scripting or modeling or writing dialogue/story, then PM me or email me

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Woah, threads have a knack of slipping down to the third page pretty quickly on here, eh.


Are there no takers? D:


Maybe a little extra information on what we intend to do:


We're going for a pretty large project, here - we want one to three quests with hundreds of lines of dialogue. Custom weapons, armor, NPCs. We've got a few different concepts - one revolves around Tribals as in Fallout 1/2. Proper tribals that live in mudhuts and use warpaint on their faces (like native americans) more akin to how they were portrayed in fallout 2, as opposed to something like the pale-in-comparison Great Khans, who more resemble some misguided bikers if you ask me.

Other ideas are a legion companion to fill the 'evil companion' gap that's present in New Vegas, and a crippled ghoul living in an underground air-raid shelter converted into a research lab from which he controls a customized android that he uses to do his dirty plottings on the surface world.

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patienceeeee man!


Have you tried the official forums?


Your third idea sounds the best, in an unspeakable number of ways.


Have you thouht of having him use a wheelchair? That would be some serious modding but it would be hilarious. I'd love to see some vibrant colouring for this lab, along with some very interesting dialogue.

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Haven't tried the official forums as it seems like it's a place for twelve-year-olds to run rampant with silliness. Nexus seemed like it had a touch more maturity.


Thanks! Yeah, I'm sure it could be done. We'll see. We need a team first.


& I'm patient, but I have to have this thread/cry for help/desperate plea visible, i.e. on page 1, in order to be seen at all. If it isn't on page one, I could have all the patience in the world but no one will ever see it!

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