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Modding Enemy Respawn Rates?


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Hi there

Noticed a couple of interesting mods on the nexus recently one that alters loot drops(would be nice to know rate change specifics and have choices of rates..even better if each specific loot table can be tweaked to player preferences..

and the other that modifies levelling speed..once again crying out for multiple versions of faster/slower levelling(being a completionist type myself both have potential for me)


But..I digress...


to the main question..Does anybody know how or have in th eworks a mod that slows down the respawn rates of enemies?Find it a pain to be trying to stay on level for the area/story only to have all planning messed up by multiple enemy groups respawning and adding a bunch of kill xp while you try to taverse a map or gather resources.


Thanks to any who reply and many thanks to both Nexus for this site and the modders who are doing the seemingly impossible with no official tools and slowly making DAI a better and tougher experience and improving it for the PC player!


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