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My First Mod, ReMesh


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I redid some parts of the guard tower mesh, specifically the collision detection so that you can actually shoot under the hand rail at the top of the tower.


I'd really like someone else to try it out and see if it works on someone else's system. That, and make sure I did everything right.


My plan is to redo more collision meshes, as I find the ones that irritate me in game. One example would be, not being able to shoot through a burnt out car with no front doors. I might also be able to take requests along the same line and fix other areas.


Here's the link:








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Thanks for the endorsement.


Less vertices and faces in the 3d model would lessen the amount of cpu power required, but there are some places where it gets really irritating.


As to a pack for fixing some of the more irritating "non shoot through" places, I'm going to be updating my mod as I find places. I figure that some people might also suggest some places for me to check into, and as long as the models aren't too complicated I can try to modify them. I've only been using blender / nifskope / GECK for about 48 hours ;)


Not to rap too much on Bethesda and Obsidian but there are a lot of places here and there where they took a few shortcuts and left a result that isn't quite what you would expect from them in the modeling sector.


My guess would be when management puts pressure on the devs to get something out on time, shortcuts have to be taken. It's not like I was fixing something game-breaking, just annoyances. Although not being able to shoot next to a rock (or a foot away) is pretty annoying. Makes me waste my ammo!


Reply here, or on the file page if you have an area or model you would like to see included. I think the next one I'll be working on is the burnt out car with no front doors. Should be able to shoot through that.


Thanks for your replies.



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