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Working magazine function


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What i will be doing:

For every gun: 2-3 clips, a placeable [empty mag] item in you inventory

massive overhaul of ammo types

would be named

CLIP 1 9mm


>>Empty Clip 1

>>30 rounds of 9mm

CLIP 2 9mm


>>Empty Clip 2

>>30 rounds of 9mm

CLIP 3 9mm


CLIP 1 9mm AP


>>Empty Clip 1

>>30 rounds of 9mm AP

CLIP 2 9mm AP


make a magazine required to craft said ammo in 30 round units

make a list of ammo usable for each gun seperately >><<ie. []

**So what i would need is some way to add the mag back into the inventory

named like [clip 1 unload] to put remaining ammo <<ie 18 rounds of [clip 1 9mm]>> back as unusable and add [empty Clip 1] for reloading later

i don't know how to script something like that

but i'll get started on the grunt work for now, but can someone get back asap on adding the aid item that does what i said?

Thank you in advance

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I'm already started. it won't be as pretty, but it'll do for the realistic nerved

i still can't figure out how to incorporate extended clips--> all i can think of is making them a separate weap with scheme requiring the mod and original weap

for the ammo it is crafted at a reloading station

using the custom cases and regular ammo

_____________so as not to interfere with other mods as best as possible


i limit the cases to each gun specifically

every gun therefore gets its own ammo list





i also need to know how many of each type of clip should i include

so far it is 2 normal clips and one of each special type



**and for shotguns

2 bandoleers of regular ammo [16 shotshells per band] and one of each special

same with repeaters


****i am NOT touching the energy weapons [[thinking about a separate mod]] or thrown

however i was thinking of the thumper

Satchels holding [4] rounds [[again 2 regular and 1 spec. for all]]

same for missile L

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