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Screenshots wanted


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With Dark0ne's approval I am about to start work on a guide to Oblivion. Such things are available on other forums but this one will be different in that it will include screenshots of many of the locations. The first chapter will be on the 52 forts. I was originally going to take all the screenshots myself but then thought maybe there is someone else out there who would like to contribute - all screenies will be accredited - and get a permanent place in forum history.


If anyone is interested in submitting a screen shot of a fort or ayleid ruin you will need to email it to me but please first post here so I can pm you the details.


You can submit as many as you like but I will try to include everyone who makes the effort to respond.


I can allocate specific locations if anyone prefers that.

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With Dark0ne's approval I am about to start work on a guide to Oblivion. Such things are available on other forums but this one will be different in that it will include screenshots of many of the locations. The first chapter will be on the 52 forts. I was originally going to take all the screenshots myself but then thought maybe there is someone else out there who would like to contribute - all screenies will be accredited - and get a permanent place in forum history.


If anyone is interested in submitting a screen shot of a fort or ayleid ruin you will need to email it to me but please first post here so I can pm you the details.


You can submit as many as you like but I will try to include everyone who makes the effort to respond.


I can allocate specific locations if anyone prefers that.


ME !!! I wanna take screenies for you :rolleyes: ! send me the info pliz :happy:

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Hi. You have all three sent excellent shots so if you are agreeable I will allocate 13 forts to each (thats 25% with me doing the rest).


One thing I would ask is that the shot includes as much of the exterior as possible. Several forts have more than one tower even though only one leads to the dungeon. Some have curtain walls and other ruined areas too. So when looking for the shot you may need to try tcl and fly. If there is only one tower shots from low down are fine. They will need to be in jpeg format for inclusion in the guidebook. I can convert them but it would be easier if you send them in that format in future.


This is the allocation:-


Any@ - Arkved's Tower, Crowhaven, Fathis Aren's Tower, Alessia, Ash, Aurus, Black Boot, Blueblood, Caractacus, Cedrian, Chalman, Coldcorn (plus Dasek Moor already done)


Pov - Cuptor, Dirich, Doublecross, Empire, Facian, Farragut, Flecia, Gold Throat, Hastrel (plus Carmala, Entius, Grief and Horunn already done)


Paolo - Homestead, Irony, Istirus, Linchal, Magia, Naso, Nikel, Nomore, Ontus, Rayles, Redwater, Roebeck (plus Redman already done)


Me - Scinia, Sejanus, Strand, Sutch, Telemann, Urasek, Variela, Virtue, Vlastrius, Wariel, Wooden Hand, Sancre Tor and Pale Pass


If anyone has an overwhelming wish to do one I have allocated to myself I'll be happy to swap.


Not too late for others to join in either.

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There was a forum just like this!


But then i had a 1.6ghz p4 processor so i was on very low settings and my pics were bad.


But now i have a dual core 2.8ghz PD processor so i'll help.

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w00t w00t! w00t w00t! I can take screens, w00t! I upload them, w00t for all to see w00t! Here is one or two... maybe three... W00T! Just tell me what to take a pic of, and you got it, w00t! w00t w00t!








Ps- I am really hyper, w00t! ignore the w00ts!

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Hmm...I'd love to help, malchik! My assassin character is currently in a fort...I forge the name, but when I play again I will take numerous screenshots of the interior and exterior and the residents of this fort. I'm pretty sure there are some type of necromancers called...err...Nobunshwher or something of the like.
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