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32 hours total, and I feel like I'm done with this game.


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This game really isn't that great, because its using an outdated engine, making the game similar to games I have played before, FA3, Oblivion, etc, so most of the stuff that was supposed to be interesting, like exploration, was just the same old same old for me on this. So basically I didn't just grab all loot and pack rat it back to the vendor to sell it, I almost never looted anything that wasn't a special weapon or armor, or an item I needed for a quest. The whole game just seemed kinda bland to me, more like an expansion for FA3, than a new game. The only enemies that were remotely challenging to beat were Death Claws, and once I got a Sniper Rifle, that problem was immediately solved. Super Mutants weren't as bad because they didn't ignore my DT. I completed a good portion of the quests, at least the important and rewarding ones. Do I feel like making another build? Not really. Nor do I feel any need to replay the game with an artificial challenge. I am not buying any more games made on the gamebyro engine. Making another game on this engine would be beating a dead horse.


I liked FO3 better than this.



That's nice I'm 100+ hours in and I haven't even done any quests in the strip yet.


I feel like I'm only starting the game.


Guess you shouldn't have rushed the game, jokes on you.


Fallout is meant to be experienced, not beaten.

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I wouldn't necessarily agree with that, by the sound of it they just aren't getting into the game, the "experience" isn't grabbing attention like it should. It does happen.

You can also stop following the main quest at any time and start back on exploration, free roam :) - there's also mods to continue playing after you've finished the main quest if that's what has happened. :)

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I have arround 60 hours and i have good / very good state with all fractions... i didnt made any quests where you loose a fraction for now... finished arround 70 quests and still have ~15 open. Only if i dont have any side quests anymore im going to try one of the main quests.. so i can easily load my save and try out the best way.


Conversation is nearly always the best solution for every quest and trick everyone... i made something for house but i also made something for legion, both of them didnt know what i do with the other one... i know, im a lier. :s I always make quests for myself and not for House or someone else. XD

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30+ hours is still pretty good considering how absurdly short games are getting these days compared to their prices (I'm looking at you, Singularity.)


I personaly love this game. The only thing I dont like is the Gutsy Robot voice. They sound like there high.


Yeah, I don't get why the robot voices were changed at all. I'd definitely use a mod that restores the Fallout 3 robot voices.

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Sheesh, ya'll are quick. I'm about 60-odd hours in, level 26, and probably just getting ready to enter the home stretch. At this point, it's a question more of what quests should I wrap up before I choose a side and enter the end-game chute. Also debating which locations I want to see before the end. I've only hit 50 or so map markers in this play.


(Vault 22 was quite well done. I also enjoyed Camp Guardian.)

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I have arround 60 hours and i have good / very good state with all fractions... i didnt made any quests where you loose a fraction for now...


This ^^


Trying to do same thing. In fallout 3 I play a no holds barred only for himself combat oriented Male character. In New Vegas I play a female toon who is trying to go through the game diplomatically /flirting with the boys etc to get what she wants. So far am good with all factions as well....we'll see how long it lasts. :thumbsup:

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I'm at about 100 hours, 3 playthroughs and I'm on my fourth atm. The first was on normal, Gun, independant vegas character. Second was on Hard, Legion melee character. Third was on Very Hard, Energy Weapon NCR character.


For the fourth one I'm playing with double damage mods to make gunfights more challenging, and game changing mods overall. Aiming for House end this time. I'm still not tired of the game. I've had a blast trying all the different endings and I'm loving it even now playing with mods.


My only complaint would be that the game does get kind of dull around level 20-25 simply because the northern Mojave isn't as interesting/fun as the south.

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There's 180+ explorable locations in the game. Take the Explorer perk. You'd be surprised at how much content you simply "miss", even if you think you're actively exploring. I'm on my second play through, this time, taking my time and enjoying the sites. I'm exploring places I didn't last time, finishing things I screwed up the first time, and picking up on an enormous amount of sideline quests. I'm sure there's more outright quests and explorable areas in this game than FO3, even with the DLC's. At points, you feel absolutely swamped with 20-30 active unfinished quests on the list.


Just like everything in life, you get out what you put in. If you simply want to hammer through the main story line and "beat" the game, more power to you. But you're missing 99% of the content if you do it that way. Some of the quests are absolutely great... ghouls in rockets.. Supermutants that ski...


There's some VERY cool things waiting to be found out there.


This being said, travelling around, the wasteland feels rather empty and static at times. I can see someone eventually releasing an alternate start "faction" mod that allows you to pick a faction to start with and run objectives against the others, dynamically conquering or losing territory.


After all there's 180+ locations and most can serve as "contested ground" without breaking quests......

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I'm 72 hours in and I havent even entered the strip yet. To me this game is MUCH bigger than FO3.


My first impressions were bad, but after this much play time I have come to realise the huge amount of things that make New Vegas so much better than FO3.

Sure it feels like an expansion and not a new game, but it's one huge expansion.

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