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Baliwog Mount Issues


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I've been fiddling with making a Baliwog mount for personal "kicks" to add a mount to Shivering Isles (which of course lacks them.) I've been using the tutorial based on the Oblivion Mount Project which has me to the point of a working set of mount models (I've made a Green, Blue, and Purple version of the Baliwogs.)

Now to the crux of my actual issue: The mounts I have made are indeed "mountable" per the instructions of the tutorial, with the animations working and the movements being less wonky. Yet the PC character just merges into the neck in a standing, arms at his side pose rather than in a riding position. My question is how do I get the PC character to actually sit on the Baliwog as he would on a horse? Am I perhaps not merging the files correctly or am I missing something crucial from the horse animations? Granted the tutorial is for a cat mount, so is it that the Baliwog's animations just don't merge correctly with the horse?

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So after actually redoing the entire tutorial from step one, I finally figured out where I went wrong. I didn't use the OMPAW program correctly to merge the horse animations into the Baliwog animations. Therefore, no need for any help. Also I was aware that a Baliwog mount mod was made, I just wanted to make one myself to get the experience of making one. No plan to post the result. Irregardless, I now have three working Baliwog mounts to choose from! Now all thats left is to do is add a way to buy them or something... To the Construction Set!
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Awesome. Glad you got it figured out and all is proper now. Also thanks for posting how you fixed the problem, it may help someone reading over this with similar animation issues. I hate when people post problems and come back an hour, or day, later and say "I fixed it! MOD lock plz. thx." So again thanks for posting how you fixed it. :thumbsup:
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