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enb issue. need halp


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Hey all


So i was inspired to begin a new NV play through and i decided to try ENHANCED SHADERS - ENB 263 http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49882/?


I began the install as directed, Im no veteran mod user but i can install an ENB no problem, or so i thought.


This is the DL i used from ENBseries http://www.enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0263.htm


The Mod works, i booted up with NVSE and its all sweet, visually anyway. Afterwards i launched NV using steam it adjust some settings and out of nowhere i was spammed by a pop up from ENBseries

( almost like an oldschool pop up virus back in the day) and my Task Manager was FILLED with processes from ENBseries. To the point were it was slowing down my rig which is unusual. (no brag)


The process is callled "ENBHost for ENBSeries modification"


Im pretty sure thats not meant to happen, Ill upload a screen of the process. Hopefully a picture can make some sense of my rambling, If anyone knows whats going on id be glad to hear for you






Edited by youngjeezzy
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Not sure what's wrong here - I think you're using a more recent ENB version than I am - but ENB will slow down your system, staggeringly. It's more system-intensive than many modern games. I can run Shadow of Mordor, on medium settings, at a smooth 60FPS, and my rig struggles to hit 30 FPS while running New Vegas with a medium-quality ENB. And no, I don't use any high-res texture packs or other demanding mods.


So if you're thinking that it shouldn't be slowing down your system, you're wrong. ENB absolutely chews up VRAM. Unless you're practically using a supercomputer, don't expect high performance with it.

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