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Oblivion usually runs great for me unless I try to activate Midas OscuroGems.esp. I've tried moving it around a little bit but still can't get it to work. The game doesn't even show the intro videos. It opens for a second and crashes to desktop.


This is my load order:



Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp








Chameleon No Refraction.esp

Quest Award Leveller.esp

Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp

Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp

Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp


Midas Eldrich Powerx2.esp

Midas PowDur2x.esp

Midas Reduced Costs Half.esp

Midas Tigernolevel OBSE.esp

Midas Betterholy.esp

Midas Beast Fortify Fix OBSE.esp


Midas OscuroGems.esp :wallbash:





Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp

Alluring Winde Bottles v3.esp

Attack and Hide v2.0

Book Jackets Oblivion.esp

Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp

Enhanced Water v2.0 HD - SI Addon.esp

OSO.esp (Oblivion Script Optimizer)


Can anyone tell me what's going on?

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well, just a guess, you don't have OOO's esm file

so check which masters this file (Midas OscuroGems) needs, because it probably needs the OOO's esm


how is it that you have OOO working without the esm anyhow??

is it an older version off OOO??



Seriously?!?!?! I was wondering about that. Damnit. I'm almost positive this is what's going on. I installed OOO manually a while back before I knew how to use OBMM or mods in general so I was expecting things to be a bit off if I ever tried adding more mods. I have been thinking about starting over since I essentially tried building a rounded character which I now know isn't the right way to do it with OOO. I thought the mod was working though because the game seemed REALLY difficult.


Should I re install Oblivion and start over? I'm only level 8 or 9 right now. Is the newest version of OOO 1.33?


I kind of wanted to try FCOM too because I wanted Marts Monster Mod and hadn't learned about it until after OOO. I also really liked the challenge of OOO though and I don't want to mess that up. What should I do?

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as far as i recall, the latest version of OOO is either 1.33 or 1.34 (but i think it's 1.33)

the thing is, it has several options and such, so it's best to install as an OMOD, as it will present you with the choices to make, and you will have no files missing


no need to re-install the game or anything

just try to make an OMOD out of OOO, and it should all be fine


can't say i've tried FCOM or MMM, but i have used MMM for Fallout 3 (which is pretty much the same mod, just for Fallout 3 :biggrin:) and it was a lot of fun, so it should work good together

just to let you know, in my opinion, the game with OOO is really REALLY hard at low levels (especially without really powerful items from mods) but it becomes much much easier when you get to a good high level (let's say 20-25 or such) due to the fact that most enemies near the IC (such as in ruins and forts) are usually level 15 or so, so watch out......


do give it a try, and let me know if you got OOO to work, ok??

and if it does, then see if the problematic esp also works


good luck :)

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I just got a chance to reinstall ooo as an omod and it worked. I had to restart the game because there were some obvious glitches going on for me. I'm not too upset about it. At least this time I'll be playing OOO. Thanks a lot for your help. Now if I could just get some decent FPS. I have 2x 5770's and 8gb of ram but I only get around 30-40 fps in dungeons at max settings.
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well, there is an obvious reason for this

you see, as far as i know, the game can only use up to 2gb of ram, though there are some programs that allow it to use more then this

so you will have to find a way to make the game use more than 2gb of ram, in order to run it properly


and i wouldn't complain much about that

on my PC, my settings aren't very high, and still it could get buggy in outdoor areas and such

so enjoy your extra strong PC for what you have, and look for these options to increase the ram usage

i can't remember how they are called, but i'm sure you can find it out

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Wow I didn't know that! I knew my pc was overpowered for most of the games I like to play (CS 1.6, Team Fortress Classic, WoW, Ultima Online etc...) I've been recently playing newer games like Oblivion and Half Life 2. I know they aren't "new" anymore but was out of the PC gaming world for a good 6 - 7 years. I'll look around for some memory increasing tweaks.


Thanks a lot for your help.

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