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[WIP] Feeding the Beast (first quest/companion mod)


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So this has been long overdue, but I've got a tiny update, including additional information for the character bios and revised accents. As of right now, all speaking roles will be as follows:


Asger, 20's-30's (I doubt I'll be able to find a voice actor who can pull off anything more mature)


Asger grew up with the Conchords, a small tribe that started with a handful of Vault dwellers and flourished under the influence of the Followers of the Apocalypse. Together with Seamus, she makes a living as a headhunter; more often than not, her targets are unarmed civilians, but neither of them bother to question the hand that feeds. Or, in this case, pays. She's hotheaded in battle, and wields her axe like a demon straight out of hell. (Once hired, Player will receive the Hotheaded perk; to keep it from being too overpowered, it will simply provide a small boost to AP when in combat and possibly a boost to DR) [Caucasian, female, neutral accent]



Seamus is former drug addict who, before teaming with Asger, made a living raiding caravans. Ironically, after getting clean, he put his sharpshooting skills to use by escorting caravans through faction territory; now, he and Asger take various bounties, never bothering to question their legitimacy. He's cocky and has an overinflated ego, but tends to be the voice of reason. His tall stature can be intimidating for most folks, but he's typically careful around others, especially smoothskins. [Ghoul, male, western accent]

Cale, 40's-50's


Cale is an intimidating figure who united most of the broken-up pockets of Jackals strewn throughout the Mojave. He lives for chaos and disorder, and revels in bending others to his will. Selfish and sardonic, Cale thinks of himself as a god amongst the inferior minds of the Jackals. He is the current Jackal leader. [Caucasian, male, neutral accent]

Marcel, 20's-30's (again because I'm not sure if there are any available voice actors who can pull off anything older)


Marcel is the daughter of Chief Orion (he leads the Conchords) and a former friend of Asger's. She's always been rather delicate, and as such was sheltered from the wasteland. Orion went so far as to appoint one of the village elders as a nanny to keep an eye on her. She grew up with dreams of seeing what was outside the homeland, of adventure. (In order to avoid spoilers, I won't go any further) [Caucasian, female, western accent]


Orion, 50's-60's


Orion is the current chief of the Conchords. [Caucasian, male, western accent]


Honour, 30's-40's


Honour is Asger's younger brother, and the Conchords' resident blacksmith/technician. Most of the knowledge that was passed down from the Followers was purely medical; after the Followers left, the tribe appointed a small group of men and women to study the old-world technology that remained in the abandoned power facility. Over time, what they learned was passed down to Honour; no one else took on the task, deeming electricity and technology unnecessary for their survival. Honour has spent most of his life with minor schizophrenia. [Caucasian, male, neutral accent]




There are definitely more to come, but they will make their appearance as I complete their backstories. (:

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry all for the lack of updating, but this mod is most definitely still in progress. Even though I have basic character bios and such written already, most of my time is being sucked up with writing out the actual rising action and climax sections.


Because Asger and Seamus have existed in my game for about 2-3 years now, it's pretty much going to be impossible for me to try to release the mod without them being at least 99% finalized. Since they aren't written to be cannon fodder for the Courier's antics, that in itself is presenting a challenge, not to mention writing the dependencies between the two of them. Each will have a stage of development that changes their outlook, and making it all fit together is more of a challenge than I thought.


But YES, this mod is most certainly not dead. I'm still learning about the GECK, still learning scripting techniques and such, and so I hope that when everything is done, I'll have a product I can be proud of.


In fact, I'm hoping to do some things that haven't even been seen before; without giving too much away, there will be an event that alters a character's appearance pretty drastically. Also, I don't plan to release the mod without making custom armors and such.


I've got a lot on my plate. Sure hope it's worth it!



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  • 2 months later...

Hey everyone!


So it's been a little while, and I have a small update for you. FtB is still going strong, albeit slow, and after the announcement of Fallout 4, I'm beginning to think I should take the time to slow down even more and work as carefully as possible. So as of right now, I don't have an estimated release date. There's still so much to do, so little time.


Thanks everyone for your comments and I hope to have something truly special for you after the Fallout 4 hype has died down.

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