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ME>DA>ME2>DA2: Perspectives...


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I have seen the console videos too (as I'm the unofficial reporter of DA2 for the Nexus forums)... and all I saw was Origins under the hood. I know people who played the demo who said the same thing. Just because that we have some shifty footage doesn't mean that it is the end of the world. The demo is not the final product, it is just a stable part of the game that is over 6 months old. I saw plenty of demos in my short lifetime to know that it doesn't represent the final product. If anyone wishes to go to my thread "What is known about DA2", you can find plenty of dev comments who say otherwise to views of half the people from the BSN. I didn't like the darkspawn look in DA2, then again I didn't like Origins either (so LOTOR) but now I'm getting use to DA2 darkspawn. DA needs to be different from it's competitors in the market as it was generic in art direction and story.


I think also we all need to move away from the nostalgia of the 80's and 90's and some people need to stop praising the BG series as the best RPG of all time. There have been plenty of BioWare products that have human protagonists before ME like Kotor and JE and plenty more RPG's that had limited inventory before ME2 like PS:T and JE. Are these RPGs bad? I think we all need to wait out but I trust the devs because they are the ones who are making the product and they are the ones who are playing it over and over again. If anyone doesn't like it I understand but I don't think it's right that the final product should be based from bad footage and an old demo. We need more info and and a better gameplay footage for consoles and PC just to see the difference.


I also wanted to say that I'm glad that BW is improving the console version dramatically as Origins version was terrible. If anyone played Origins in consoles should be very happy with the improvements for DA2. Also a final note, as many of who think that DA2 will be console port, it is not as Mark Laidlaw has repetitively said till his lungs ran out of breath that the PC and console are being developed simultaneously. So chill and wait for the final product or don't buy it at all. The Witcher 2 or other RPGs should suit your needs even though you have less choices in TW2 than in DA2.


Wow... I need a breather


I want to be 18 again.

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@BKE; Well said!


Plus, as the BioWare devs have told us repeatedly, except for being "locked" as a human, we'll have as much control over our Hawke's appearance as we did with DA:O. They DELIBERATELY decided to go with a single, specific "look" (for each gender) in all the pre-release materials so as to create an "image awareness" and a "brand identity". (The Marketing Dept. people told them it was important...)

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BKE, you really nicly wrote all your points, i do understand also the need of trying to change the game to keep it fresh. I'm far from locked in the old days, i just know what i want and footage or not Dragon Age 2 just lost a client.


some will like it and good for them. on my side i'll wait for a good game to come out ( might take a while but it's just a good occasion of doing something else)

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ME2 lets you have sex with aliens. 'Nuff said. :whistling:


Also I'm not exactly sure why we wardens are suddenly forced to strap down and do all that back breaking stuff to stop a horde demons, what if we really don't care about the blight and just want to go find some happiness elsewhere? Why does it suddenly become the center of our life for no apparent reason? After all, the warden thing is something the player was kind of forced into against their will on a total whim, unlike ME where Shepard willingly joined the military and has been such for most of his/her life, and thus has an actual reason for being dedicated to it and wanting to save the galaxy. Gah, doing the exact same main quest over and over again with nothing else to divert away from it gets really dull, and the story wears out quickly. Even though DA depends heavily on your moral choices, you're still set on a pretty linear train track. I never bothered with any of the optional quests because they were really boring, ME's were a lot better.

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BKE, you really nicely wrote all your points, i do understand also the need of trying to change the game to keep it fresh. I'm far from locked in the old days, i just know what i want and footage or not Dragon Age 2 just lost a client.


some will like it and good for them. on my side i'll wait for a good game to come out ( might take a while but it's just a good occasion of doing something else)



I'm not really aimed it at you but more at the doubters at large (I know you're lurking here!), if anyone wants to use me as a quote then you are welcome to do so. Thandal has a point too about marketing buzzwords and the lovely thing that is demo. Yes you can't really do anything in a demo but choose a class and go to a stable area of the game. I'm sure that all the haters will disappear after the game is released and start up again for DA3. It always happens. I know, there are things that are concerning like how the framed narrative works and the time frame. Personally I want to make Hawke as a mafia figure "the God Father of Kirkwall" with Varric his right hand man (I'll bet it wont happen). I'm also want to know if persuasion is removed or not because I like to have a silver tongue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Strange how ME2 is better than the first one; the KOTOR games are the opposite. Bioware didn't even complete KOTOR2 :< and they cut out a whole lot of story, so your ending is so unfulfilling (and I liked it so much too :<).

I haven't played either of the ME games, I feel they will be exactly like DA.


But I don't know how DA2 will turn out, I am not overconfident with it. I think from my experience of KOTOR2, my faith in Bioware of making a great game no matter what, is shaken.


So I am quite scared as to how DA2 will be. It is quite disappointing how you can only play Human, especially after the first one, where they give you many choices for your origins.



I dont know, maybe it's just me, But wasnt KotOR 2 made by Obsidian and NOT bioware? Go check it yourself if you're not sure.

Also, I found the RPG elements and story much more interesting in KotOR2. The characters had so much more depth. In KotOR1, they're all pretty static, no real backstory. In KotOR2, there's so much back story to each and every character. Just look at the different between Atton Rand and Carth Onasi.


Atton had depth and personality, Carth just whined and cried about his son and constantly was mistrustful of everyone, CONSTANTLY.

There was only 1 problem with KotOR2, and that was Lucas Arts forced it out the door before it was ready. Thank god for restoration mods.



EDIT: Sorry, didnt realize how old that post was... My attention is lacking

Edited by dekklinofdeath
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