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more useful charisma


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I always wished charisma wasn't as useless in the game, its a universal dump stats that you barely ever get to use. I wish it was more useful, like having high charisma can give you a chance to convince enemies to not kill you, and if its really high enemies wont even try to attack you, and if its really low random people who mildly dislike you will try to kill you on sight. Or maybe raising disposition towards someone enough they will let you take some items that are owned by them. Or charisma determining how many companions you can have like in the older fallout games. Or maybe charisma determines how fast or slow you can progress with a factions reputation, like having high charisma can make a neutral reputation liked without having to do anything, or maybe having low charisma will automatically make you disliked at first, or a really high charisma will make getting a higher reputation faster and getting a worse reputation slower, and the opposite for lower charisma.

Edited by TheBlob2
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"or maybe having low charisma will automatically make you disliked at first, or a really high charisma will make getting a higher reputation faster and getting a worse reputation slower, and the opposite for lower charisma."

That part is actually pretty smart.

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"or maybe having low charisma will automatically make you disliked at first, or a really high charisma will make getting a higher reputation faster and getting a worse reputation slower, and the opposite for lower charisma."


That part is actually pretty smart.


only that part? i dont know whether to feel insulted or flattered

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i was thinking it might look something like this

cha 1-2 : 2 infamy levels above starting reputation (if starting reputation is neutral, player will become hated)

cha 3-4 : 1 infamy level above starting reputation (if starting reputation is neutral, player will become shunned)

cha 5-6 : no changes

cha 7-8 : 1 fame level above starting reputation (if starting reputation is neutral, played will become accepted)

cha 9-10 : 2 fame levels above starting reputation (if starting reputation is neutral, player will become liked)

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or, with a really high charisma, even if you're a soft hearted devil, etc. they wont attack you on site? maybe because you can talk your way out of trouble? :) ive always thought that it was stupid that any bit of infamy irreversibly means they hate you and want you dead on sight...

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