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More acts to recruit for The Tops


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I've been thinking a bit about the selections for the entertainment you recruit for The Tops. I've got some ideas for new acts to recruit (which would also help if someone makes a mod to open up the Lucky 38). Nuclear apocalypse or not, I do find it a tad hard to believe that the Mojave Wasteland is so starved for acts that you actually have to steal one from the Atomic Wrangler.


Anyway, some acts:

-> A magician

-> An Elvis impersonator from the Kings

-> Some parody of Blue Man Group

-> We already have a singer and a guitar player. Why not full bands? (Both rock and jazz)

-> A theater troupe and/or a Spamalot parody?

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It is definitly possible. This would probably require a longer The Tops sign to fit more acts and the schedule would have to be modified to be more organized and have time for different acts. Let's say that instead of every act in a day, cluttering up everything, they could have Billy Knight and Hadrian the Ghoul play on Monday, and these other acts play on a certain day. Most likely there would have to be new animations and models. I am working on something similar right now. Request's are open but I am not promising that anything will be posted.
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I'd say a floating schedule might be interesting; rather than having the comedy acts in the same night, I think it'd be better business to break them up some.


You're definitely going to need help with voice work, though.


Yep. I have about four people on me with this project so far for voicing. My friends told me they could get some more people.

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