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Music Fix

Saint Silence

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I hate the music in New Vegas. Just doesnt set the right kind of mood for me to play a game in. I liked F3's music because blasting ghouls' brains out whilst not wanting to set the world on fire was just pure fun.




Here is a guide on how to replace the music of the game (Text only until i decide to add pics)


First, navigate to your NV folder.


Now, Data > Sound > songs > radioinv


This folder contains all the tracks for Mr Vegas' Station (ive forgotten the name of it)


To replace the tracks,


Pick a track, "MUS_Big_Iron" for example, i hate that song.


Put a "1" after its name, its now "MUS_Big_Iron1"


Get ANY .mp3 you want to replace it, i have "Back in black - AC/DC"


Copy it into the "radioinv" folder, and change its name to "MUS_Big_Iron". Delete the "MUS_Big_Iron1"


Now, you'll get something like...



"And now a song, from me... to you..."


*DER, DERDERDER, DERDERDER, Newnewnewwnerrewwnewwwww...*





Enjoy :)

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