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A new sheriff choice for Primm


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So I'm not really satisfied with the choices we currently have, but I do have an idea. Not sure how simple it would be though. I'm sure everyone has met the guitar carrying drifter who is looking for his dad. If you talk to him long enough, you really find out he is looking for a place to call home and he asks the PC if we know someplace that needs someone like him. I figure maybe we can give him a name, I don't know, but maybe change his name to Lucas Simms ( Another FO3 reference. :P ) and add in the offer to become Primm's new sheriff.
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Except that




the Lonesome Wanderer, known for being a guitar player, is one of the four acts you recruit as part of a quest for The Tops Casino. If you want to make him the sheriff, you'd need to include another act to replace him. Or just make an entirely new candidate.

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Hmm, you have a bit more knowledge then I do. I've never found a use for him. Want to tell me a bit more about getting him there or whatever? I don't mind spoilers. In fact, I invite them.
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When you finally get to the Strip, you can go to the Aces Theater in The Tops Casino. Speak to a man named Tommy Torini, and you can ask him about getting new talent for The Aces Theater (it's part of a quest called Talent Pool). The Lonesome Wanderer is one of four acts you need to recruit to complete the quest.


Note also that if your Bargain skill is above 50, you can also convince the Wanderer to give you the Mysterious Magnum after you tell him The Tops is looking for talent.


Also, if you do get him to go to the Tops, you can enter The Aces Theater every night at 10 and see him perform.

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