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7z problems?


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I am trying to download Lost Paladins of the Divines and it says you have to use 7z. I have windows 7 as my operating system..... installed 7z to my system but each time i try to open the file from my downloads screen a window starts to open in the top left corner and then immediately closes. I tried rebooting my system to see if that had anything to do with it but no luck. I even went into explorer, right clicked on the file and Open with... then chose 7z and it still did the same thing.


What gives?


I tried using 7z a few months back to open some LORTO beta mod stuff and was getting that same issue... finally gave up. If more stuff is going to be using this to extract I better figure out what im doing wrong eventually!


Thanks for any assistance!

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7zip has a blowout that lists


Open archive

Extract files....

Extract here

Extract to "Lost_paladins_of_the_divines_1_0_OMOD-ready-1050\"

Test archive

Add to archive...

Compress and email....

Add to "lost_paladins.....

Compress to "lost_paladins....zip

Add to "lost_paladins.... zip



I tried a few of those options... when using extract here i directed it to the data file but during the extracting files kept being added to the log stating "0 can not open output file



I've installed other mods to the data folder with no issue.. but i dont think they were OMOD files.

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"Cannot open output file"... extract it to desktop? Have you tried other output locations? Besides just dumping a mods zipped content right into your data folder is a really bad idea. Sometimes mods have multiple files that dont work together and you should always be reading the readmes RTFM. Also I think your using an .omod ready file, its really easy to convert it to an omod are you using obmm(Oblivion Mod Manager) hmmm I think you will like this short guide. Ive never used it myself but I skimmed it and it seems legit.
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I personally use 7-Zip and it works great on my machine. But maybe you should try finding another utility program. I know that my program will decompress .rar and .zip files as well as .7z files. Maybe you could find a .rar utility that will decompress .7z files that works well on your computer.
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