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Your life,or A life?


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But I do both and quite often in the same game :biggrin: The romance is usually role play as are some decisions. For the decisions that count I usually go with my beliefs.


For the big stuff and serious business I go with what I would do myself, following my own opinions and morals and stuff. But the more harmless little stuff like romance I just have fun with.


Out of many characters, even purely RP characters, I always end up in a situation saying something like "no I can't kill him, I just can't bring myself to do it" and it brings my character to my 'level' and becomes less RP and more like me. If that makes sense.

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I know this is really sad but i find it really hard to play as an evil character, i actually feel guilty for doing mean things in the game lol. For this reason i have never completed the game as an evil character. haha ive just realised how silly that sounds but there it is. :)
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The only DLC I bought was Return to Ostagar because that extended the game, all the others you can take your warden but not your party and the characters involved didn't interest me enough to spend money on them, as for DSCronicles NO WAY was I going to kill Alistair and a couple of others, so it was pointless me buying that either. If I'd known about Awakening I wouldn't have bought that either.
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