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WIP - Fort Stendarr


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Fort Stendarr

A mod for TES IV Oblivion

By DanielJ97




Last Updated - 07/11/10




Fort Stendarr is an upcoming mod for Oblivion, created by myself (DanielJ97). It aims to bring a whole new show of the might of the Imperial Armies.

In vanilla Oblivion I felt that the Imperial Legion was pretty lame, they had such a small amount of soldiers and no form of command except the couple of commanders in the Imperial City.


The mod itself doesn't change anything to do with the Imperial Legion, but instead creates a new one; The XI Legion.


What this mod actually does, is make the chain of command more organized, and places a huge fort where the legion is based and where the legate lives. This fort is located not far from the Imperial City, and is formed in the design of ancient roman forts. The walls are all plastered and the roofs are tilled with redish / orangey tiles.


The vanilla legionairres remain un-touched, but the new soldiers this mod brings will have better armour, and will have their own ranks and individual names.


The buildings on the inside of the fort are formed in rows, up until the point where you reach the headquarters area, where it splits into a small plaza, outside the fort is a large training area, where you can test your character to the limit.


This mod, is aimed at all players, but especially those who enjoy exploring built up areas. The new legionairre armour is shinier, more silvery and looks better than the vanilla armour.


Going back to it being designed after a roman fort, just outside the main gate you can see a small traders camp. The people inhabiting it are gypisies and vendors aiming to sell their goods to the legion.


The buildings isnide the camp are as follows;


Barrack Blocks - Living areas

Latrines - Toilets

Cistern - Well / water supply

Traders Camp - Small vendors camp

Headquarter Buildings - The HQ of the Legion

Storehouses - Where all the food is kept

Mess (soldiers) - Soldiers dining halls

Mess (centurions) - Centurions dining halls

Mess (officers) - The dining halls for officers of a higher rank than centurion

Legates House - Where the legate (commander) lives

Signal Tower / Beacon Tower - A Signal Fire to help alert the Imperial City of any danger.

Blacksmith - Self explanitory

Armoury- The storeroom for armour and weapons

Vault - The room filled with all the money

Recruitment Office - Located outside the main gate, where people sign up to join the XI Legion.

Holding Cells - The prison / jail area.

The Walls - All the walls 'should' be walkable

The Towers - You 'should' be able to use the towers.

Training Facility - A large-ish training area located outside the fort.



The new ranks are as follows (in order ~ lowest to highest):



- Legionairre

- Clerk

- Optio

- Standard Bearer

- Centurion

- Tribune

- Senior Centurion

- Legate



A lot of modders resources are being used in this mod, and they can be found below:


Mr_Siika's Market Resource - for the traders camp

Mr_Siika's & Centurions Griffon Fortress - re-textured for the walls of the fort

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