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The Misfits as companions after "Flags of our Foul-Ups' quest


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Flags of our Foul-Ups is one of my favorite NCR quest since sometimes it has you teach yourself skills if you take o'Harahan's or Mags' advice to improve the squad. Short quest, yeah, but how about changing O'Harahan's or Mags' squad building excersises be done out in the Mojave Wasteland instead of Camp Golf? That way if you're a high level character, you can teach them the skills on live targets, In order for the ending sequences to make sense, have them talk to you saying thanks and then leaving for camp golf right before the end-game quest.

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Having them as companions for a NCR themed character seems like it would be good. Might be helpful if the courier was actually in the NCR military structure though, since they'r currently actively serving.

You're right, considering the vanilla companions aren't strictly tied to their respective factions and are free to roam the wasteland. But then again, the NCR gives you a two-way radio to call in an NCR troop or NCR ranger to back you up on top of those two actively serving NCR. So for lore-purposes, just consider Sgt. McCredie's permission to train them the same as being a permission for them to take leave for training.

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