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A problem occurred during install...


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I recently wanted to install Dark Maneuvers and The Choice is Yours with Nexus Mod Manager and every time after 99% the status says "a problem occurred during install" instead of installed. I don't know why it is and I don't know how to fix it. Yesterday nmm told me i shouldn't install more than 225 mods even if i just have around 60. By the way Skyrim still launches normal and i can play.

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I recently wanted to install Dark Maneuvers and The Choice is Yours with Nexus Mod Manager and every time after 99% the status says "a problem occurred during install" instead of installed. I don't know why it is and I don't know how to fix it. Yesterday nmm told me i shouldn't install more than 225 mods even if i just have around 60. By the way Skyrim still launches normal and i can play.


I Too Have this problem, I hope someone can tell me how to fix it its very frustrating

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<I recently wanted to install Dark Maneuvers and The Choice is Yours with Nexus Mod Manager and every time after 99% the status says "a problem occurred during install"> here are some things you may try :

  • Navigate to C/Games/Skyrim/mods/downloads. Delete anything with the name "the mod in question" found there. Do the same for the cache folder found under mods. Now download again.
  • For big mods, you may also combine it with a manual download and use the NMM "add from file" function to add the mod.
  • If the mod us not correctly installed, missing meshes, textures, etc... try also a manual install : extract all the required files from the archive to the skyrim/data folder. If prompted to overwrite, say yes.
  • If the MCM menu doesn't show up and the mod seems to be correctly installed, open the console commands and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 and press enter. Close the console. You may also use MCM Kicker.
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so, since neither of those is even remotely a big mod (dark maneuvers less than half a megabyte even) i don't think the file size is the issue. it's possible reinstalling NMM might help if you don't want to switch to mod organizer for the "don't install more than" bug.


also what darstyler said

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