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I just installed Oblivion on the PC, got any mod recommondations?


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Hey I've been playing Skyrim on the PC for about three years now. The other day ago I was watching some Oblivion lets plays and it got me all nostalgic about the time I played Oblivion during my MIddle School years.


So I bought it for the PC and now i'm wondering what type of mods I should install!


Now I have a bit of modding experience, i've been downloading mods for Skyrim and even with 250+ mods installed regularly I know enough about TES5EDIT, Load Order, LOOT, NMM etc, in order to keep my mods stable and compatible with each other.


What i'm looking is for some really great Oblivion mods and overhauls that can give me a nice breath of fresh air for a person who has played hundreds of hours of Oblivion on the Xbox 360 when they were a kid.


I don't have a kickass gaming computer. I have laptop with an AMD Radeon 512MB graphics card and an AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD graphics.


That means that any amazing mods that while looking great, murders performance, isn't an option for me.


So if you guys know of any great mods to recommend me, PLEASE let me know. Also any advice or tips you can share to me about using Oblivion's modding tools like it's download manager and Wyre Bash would also be greatly appreciated!

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Hey, Calfurius!


"Great Oblivion mods" is a quite subjective matter. And since you have a medium end computer, the spectre of choices is a little bit diminished.


I don't know if you will be able to run them, but the first two things you should try are Qarls Texture Pack Redimized and Oblivion Reloaded. If you read about the marvels of OBGE and ENBs, you better forget them, the first is obsolete and has been superseded by Oblivion Reloaded, and the second is very resources demanding. Oblivion Reloaded is, too.


Now, to de-uglify the potatohead characters, which direction go your tastes? For a lore-friendly, realistic looking characters, the Must Have is Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.3.


Then we have the Body Replacers. There are so many different body replacers out there that my recommendation is simply grab ALL OF THEM and use them at once. For that, you need the SetBody Reloaded. It includes all of them and the ability to change between any of them in a per-character basis. It's a quite sophisticated mod, and quite new, so if you feel overwhelmed by its characteristics, simply grab Robert2 Male Body Replacer, Robert2 Female Body Replacer, or any of the HGEC variants (grab the EVE HGEC Variants edition).


Most if not all of these require the OBSE system core and its Blockhead plug-in. Nowadays, not having OBSE and Blockhead installed means a seriously handicapped game.


For gameplay overhauls, the only one I have tried (albeit for a brief time before my gaming computer went kaboom) is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. It's fully compatible with OCO v2 (OCO is totally incompatible with anything that touches vanilla races at all, be it cosmetically or statistically).


Quest mods and expansions are on the hundreds. My favourite one is The Lost Spires.


Now, about modding Oblivion, the bad news:


Skyrim does not give you experience at all for modding Oblivion. They play in different leagues. The same tools you are used to, Oblivion renders them barely useless. Forget about NMM, it's just not for Oblivion. Use Oblivion Mod Manager AND Wrye Bash. You will need OBMM for omod installers and basic mod management, and Wrye Bash for advanced modding and maintenance and the imprescindible Bashed Patch.


Before starting throwing mods to your game, you need a correctly installed, upgraded and patched installation of the base game. And do not forget to explicitly state which version of the game you got: retail disc or Steam. Things are pretty different depending on that.


For starters, before doing anything, read this guide. It's meant for an uninstallation and re-installation of the game, but for a first-time installation it is also applicable.


Note: if you have the retail disc version, consider using a Profile Manager to keep safeguarded your base installation. I do not mean Mod Organizer, I mean tools such as mTES4.


And a last warning: be it retail disc or Steam, DO NOT INSTALL THE GAME IN YOUR C:\ProgramFiles. Seriously.




Post Scriptum: before even thinking about downloading any mod, first read thoroughly the Description Page and four or five pages of the Comments section to take a grasp on how the mod behaves. Do not jump installing mods nonchalantly. Oblivion does not work this way, believe me. And always read the Readme.

Edited by IkeCoast
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