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Fallout NV ideas in Fallout 3


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Hi all.


I recently made a post in the Fallout 3 Wanderer's edition thread, and in order to get the most views i figured i'd make my own post. So here goes:


After having played New Vegas for a while and going back to Fallout 3, i've noticed a few major things (for me personally):


FALLOUT 3 NPC's are FAR too TRUSTING. Civilization is destroyed, the world is full of cannibals, murderer's (YOU..possibly) and yet people want a friendly chat with you?


The game DESPERATELY NEEDS more "standoff" encounters, especially in the capital wasteland; NPC's pointing their guns AT YOU, warning you to move on - NO dialogue is entered into, NPC's just point weapons at you and warn you..perhaps they should warn you to holster your weapon or they open fire, or maybe request the Player to drop their gun/gear so they can loot it...just be creative:P


The first Powder gangers encounter in the Mojave Wasteland was similar to this, those NPC's stand still and surround you looking down their ironsights. Now that was tense and very cool, it was a welcome refreshing change to the expected enter dialogue and/or start shooting.


To accompany this, Rivet City also needs a makeover, it's no "city" at all, only a tiny collection of NPC's (i'd even argue New Vegas was lacking generic NPC's but thats not the issue) Also, much like the casino's in New Vegas, Rivet "City" guards past the bridge need to take weapons off you, for the safety of the residents. Again, why do they trust you so much? The ability to sneak in weapons should be there, and like NV....skill based.


Personally i'd mod this in myself, but i lack the knowledge to do so - I've gone as far as look at the GECK, but i get intimidated by how complex it is so give up :P. As i use Fallout Wanderer's Edition/Fook/WMK/MMM i'd also incorporate it into those somehow.


Anyway, what do you guys think?

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