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The Ultimate Motorcycle Mod


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I recently watched road warrior and thought, gosh, it'd sure be sweet to ride a motorcycle around the captial wastelands, but there's no way I could do that. But then I came accross two very distinct mods while researching and playing with Fallout Wanderer's Edition, I was absolutley amazed at the amount of work that went into jjgun and malacova's Alternative Travel mod. Here's the description and the link:





Alternative Travel mod


OPTIONAL - Alternative Travel

(by jjgun + malacova)


As an alternative to just disabling fast travel, the "Alternative Travel" module can be used.


This module provides an altenative fast travel mechanism based arounfdthe use and maintenance of the "wasteland Explorer," a pre-war motorcycle waiting for a new rider. This mod disables the normal-fast travel system, and instead requires you to use the motorcycle for your fast travel needs. The motorcycle requires fuel and parts to keep ir running, and can be upgraded with saddlebags, a GPS unit, and other amenities.


In addition this module includes a "morrowind" style fast travel system where you can hire NPC's to escort you between major settlements [Credit: Arthmoor's Wasteland Travel Caravans] . NPC's outside of the major towns will provide a fast travel service for modest fee between a set of locations. The mod has been tweaked to improve follower behavior when traveling this way, as well as increasing the costs for traveling. Traveling to unvisited locations is more expensive compared to known locations.


The Wasteland Explorer - Motorcycle Manual




Select Ride from the menu to ride your motorcycle. This brings up your Pip Boy to select you destination from the World Map. You can only travel to previously discovered locations. Your Explorer comes from the factory with a carrying capacity of twice your Carry Weight. As your carrying capacity increases so does your motorcycle’s carrying capacity. As long as your inventory doesn’t exceed the Explorer’s carry capacity (i.e., weight limit) you can ride it. You can adjust the carrying capacity of your motorcycle using the Configure Options menu described below under CONFIGURATION.


Note that you can only ride the motorcycle if it has fuel and its condition is greater than zero (see the FUEL and MAINTENANCE sections below). Note that the Explorer has a special fuel reserve so you will always arrive at your destination but you may arrive with negative fuel in the tank. You’ll have to replenish this reserve before using the bike again. Superior engineering insures that your vehicle won’t break down in mid-journey but you may arrive at your destination with the Explorer’s condition below zero. This simply means that you’ll have to get its condition back up above zero before you can ride it again. WARNING: A poorly maintained motorcycle may not start. If this happens your motorcycle will sustain some damage. You can try riding it again but each time it fails to start the damage sustained increases. Once successfully started the damage counter is reset. So to avoid these problems keep your motorcycle in good condition.


Recovering a Lost Motorcycle (New Feature)

Occasionally because of technical problems you may lose your motorcycle. You just can’t seem to find it where you left it. Well we’ve got you covered. After your first ride an item called <Recall Motorcycle> is placed in your Aid inventory. Activating this item from your Pip Boy will return the motorcycle to the last place you rode it. Note that this doesn’t bring the motorcycle to you it simply returns it to its last destination; if you are standing at that location your motorcycle will appear.


However, if you forgot where you left it this won’t help much. Purchasing the GPS option described section 5 will help you locate your motorcycle. However, if you don’t have this option and you can’t afford it you can always stop by the dealership and ask the staff to locate your motorcycle. For a small fee of 100 caps they will locate and deliver your motorcycle to the dealership. How’s that for service!




The Wasteland Explore requires special fuel that can be difficult to obtain. Bring this Owner’s Manual to the dealership just south of Megaton to get our secret formula for creating fuel from common supplies. To refuel your motorcycle select Refuel from the menu. This option will only be available if you have fuel. The tank can hold 10 units and cannot be overfilled so if you have between 9 and 10 units in the tank you can't add anymore fuel. Fuel stored in the saddlebags has to be transferred into you inventory to be used.




Be sure to keep your Explorer in tip-top shape. Those with a little mechanical ability can perform routine maintenance using ordinary motorcycle parts, leaf blowers, conductors, and scrap metal. If the condition of your motorcycle falls to zero you won't be able to use it until you repair it. To repair your motorcycle select repair from the menu. The repair option is only available if you have suitable spare parts in your inventory. Spare parts stored in the saddlebags have to be transferred into your inventory to be used.


Your Repair skill influences the effectiveness of your repairs in two ways. (1)The maximum condition of the motorcycle cannot exceed your Repair skill. (2)The repair value of each part is adjusted by your Repair skill. A player with a Repair skill of 100 gets the full repair value of each part while a player with a repair skill of 50 only gets half the value of each part.


STORAGE (Dealer Installed option)


This handy option equips your Explorer with an internal storage compartment often called "saddlebags". You can use this to store all of your gear while on the road. When initially installed they have a capacity of 100 pounds so they add 100 pounds to your motorcycle’s carry capacity. You can change their carry capacity in ten pound increments using Configure Options. You can also enable the Infinite Capacity feature. As long as the combined weight of the items in your inventory and the saddlebags doesn’t exceed the Explorers carry capacity you can ride. If you enable Infinite Capacity the weight of the items in the saddlebags are ignored.


Note that after accessing the saddlebags there is about a seven second period during which you cannot activate the Explorer, move, or access your Pip Boy. This period is required for the Explorer to reweigh the contents of the saddlebags. A message will appear in the top left corner informing you when the reweighing is complete.


GPS (Dealer Installed option)


Did you ever forget where you parked your motorcycle? This feature allows you to locate your Explorer on your Pip Boy World and Local maps. Select the Wasteland Explorer quest and the location of your motorcycle is shown with a quest marker.


ESCAPE (Dealer Installed option)


This option allows you to escape from an enemy infested location back to the safety of the dealer showroom. From there you can ride your motorcycle to your desired location. To use this feature select the new Escape option from your Explorer menu. Note that this feature uses fuel and the motorcycle will sustain twice the usual wear and tear.




Select Configure Options from the menu to adjust fuel use, wear rate, carry weight, and saddlebags capacity parameters. You can also use this menu to disable the Explorer and return to normal fast travel. Note that if you disable wear you will not encounter any failures to start as described in the RIDING section above.




Sometimes when you arrive the Explorer may not be ideally positioned. You can drag the Explorer forward, backward, left, and right by holding the Grab key (default z key) and walking in the desire direction. Release the Grab key to terminate the drag. While dragging the motorcycle you will not be able to look around or turn (after all you are dragging a several hundred pound motorcycle). If you want to rotate the motorcycle press the left or right arrow key to rotate it in that direction. Be careful of the terrain because your motorcycle can fall over at the end of a drag. If that happens, you can attempt to stand it up by tapping the Grab key. If you can’t get it to stand up move it to level terrain and try again. Note that in order to drag or rotate your motorcycle you have to see the Activate prompt.




Your Explorer comes with the Desert Shadow paint job. Four additional paint jobs are available and are earned by accumulating miles. These paint jobs are on display at the dealership. Activate the desired paint job to get the mileage requirement for it. Your Explorer will inform you each time you have earned a new paint job. You can switch among all of the earned paint jobs at the dealership whenever you want at no charge; so have fun showing your colors!



Well, this a really cool mod. While this Alternative Wasteland Explorer adds a new dimension of gameplay, so does this mod, "Drivable Motorcycles" by J3Xified. Here's the description and link:





Drivable Motorcycle Description


J3Xified Driveable Motorcycle v 0.3.5

Original mod from VeliV, modded by J3X





Use 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) to unpack it.


More videos under the videos tab.


Need a place to store your motorcycles?

Try this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6013



NEW IN 0.3.5:


- Should work with any weird keyboard configuration.

- Added fixed camera / steer with mouse.

- Fixed Lightbub bug.

- Fixed traider inventory bug.





J3Xified Driveable Motorcycle must have the latest Fallout Script Extender, 'FOSE'. (It was compiled with v1.1.8.)

Download it here -> http://fose.silverlock.org/

Read the fose_readme.txt file in the fose package, IT'S NOT LIKE INSTALL AN ORDINARY MOD!







Adds motorcycles to the Wasteland for you to repair, cruise around on and upgrade and pimp with weapons, awesome textures and crazy inventions. - "Nothing is better than first cripple a raider with your dual miniguns then crush his skull under your wheel!"






- Adds two miniguns to the motorcycle.

- Use left mouse button to fire and right mouse button to change angle.



- Adds two miniguns to the motorcycle.

- Use left mouse button to fire and right mouse button to change angle.

- The enemies won't catch fire due weapon enchantments won't trigger with "fireweapon".

- The flames lags a bit.



- Adds two gatling lasers to the motorcycle.

- Use left mouse button to fire and right mouse button to change angle.



- Adds two missile launchers to the motorcycle.

- Use left mouse button to fire and right mouse button to change angle.



- Replaces the broken motorcycle lightbub with a new one allowing you to illuminate the area around you.

- Use Z to toggle on and off.

- Can be brought from Rivet City Supplies or Moria Brown.



- Adds a leaking gas tank to the back of your motorcycle. You might think that this is highly dangerous and it also is. When the driver press a button will a pilot light ignite the leaked gasoline and create a explosion that will accelerate him to nearly lightspeed.

- Press space to use.

- Can be brought from Rivet City Supplies or Moria Brown.





Use the mod kits by activating the standard motorcycle and select Upgrade or downgrade motorcycle. Remove any weapons attached to the motorcycle before upgrading.



- Nothing special with this one.

- Can be found outside of Paradise Falls, Rivet City, Megaton, Vault 101 and Tenpenny Tower.

- Can be bought from Moria Brown.



- Can be bought from Karl in Meresti Metro Station.

- Can be found in Evergreen Mills.



- A broken one can be found in Smith Casey's Garage (Vault 112).



- Can be bought from Moria Brown in Megaton or from Crazy Wolfgang.

- Can be found outside of Fort Constantine.



- Can be found near Knight Captain Durga at the Citadel.





- Drive with WASD or whatever you have chosen as up/down/left/right.

- Use Jump (Space) for turbo boost.

- Use Use-key (E) to get out.

- Z for toggle light.

- H for toggle free camera / steer with mouse.


- Fire weapons with left mouse button.

- Turn weapons with right mouse button.





Use player.additem formID 1


Where XX is the load order. - Learn2FOMM!


Dismantled Motorcycle: XX012618

Darkflame: XX0111E2

Azure Knight: XX0111E3

Wasteland Conqueror: XX0111E4

Iron Crusader: XX0111E5


Lightbub: XX008C97

Leaking Gas Tank: XX008C96






- Release



- Tons of bug fixes;

- Fixed trader bug.

- Added sounds.

- Added collision detection.

- Added flamers.

- Added gatling lasers

- Added ingame readme.

- Decreased max speed.

- Increased turnrate.

- Reduced motion blur.

- The enemies won't catch fire from the flamers due weapon enchantments won't trigger with "fireweapon".

- Added aggro for drive over.

- Better readme



- Missile launchers!

- 4 different textures by Drag0ntamer; Darkflame, Azure Knight, Wasteland Conqueror & Iron Crusader.

- You will now fall of if you hit something at high speed.

- Fixed animation bug when you dismount.

- Dismantle the motorcycle and carry it in your inventory.

- Improved the scripts so it should be easy to add new types of motorcycles.

- Fixed collision detection not calculating correctly.

- Maybe fixed bug when motorcycles falls though floor....

- Fixed a permanent motion blur bug.

- Placed some more motorcycles around the wasteland.

- Added firing sounds to minigun and gatling laser.



- Updated collision in motorcycle meshes.

- Fixed collision detection script.



- Should work with any weird keyboard configuration.

- Added fixed camera / steer with mouse.

- Fixed Lightbub bug.

- Fixed traider inventory bug.

- Fixed mount angle.





- The motorbike bad sounds. - Try to changing the sounds in /sound/fx/j3x/ to some better ones!

- Driving system still a bit f***ed.

- The guns lag behind a bit.

- I got no idea if this mod works for gamepads ect. (It depends on what software you use, it works with gamepads that emulates keypresses)

- The flamers won't set enemies on fire.

- Bad things happen if message boxes are displayed while you are driving fast.






- Credits to VeliV for creating his "Drivable motorcycle BETA" mod. He's the mastermind behind this mod.

- Credits to Backsteppo for creating a much better driving animation.

- Credits to Odin_ml for his awesome minigun!

- Credits to Drag0ntamer for his awesome motorcycle textures!

- Credits to Rolandb for his motorcycle pipboy icon.

- Skykappa for a lots of scripting tips and solutions!

- Everyone that have send me sounds!

- Thanks to DieHard335 for creating a trailer, beta testing and being a general awesome guy!

- Credits to me, J3X, for adding everything else.

- You can message me at fallout3nexus as J3X or at the official forums as Nib.

- Or drop me a message at jex_ mus [at] hotmail [dot] com.





This will not be updated nor fixed as I'm not modding Fallout 3 anymore. PM me or mail me at jex_mus [at] hotmail [dot] com if you have some questions but, please, do not send pathetic questions like how to install FOSE.


Clone, copy, spread, mutate, merge, and do whatever you want just as long you give me (and the other guys) credit for our hard work.


If you manage to fix some bug or add a new awesome feature please, let it be included in this mod as well.

If you create a own modification to this mod please release it.

============================================================== Here's a video of it in action:








Here's what I propose: We mix these mods to create an awesome gameplay experience. However, there are some issues I would really like to take care of with this concerning balance and some ideas:


A.) Gatling guns and other Heavy Weapons? Comon, it was bad enough in Machete. This is badass, but it's completely OP, lol! I purpose just using one hand with a small weapon that can shoot at targets. Besides, isn't running your enemy over good enough for you?


B.) Salvaging: Here's something that makes those cars out in the wasteland more than shootable roman candles : It makes vehicles interactable objects that you can salvage parts and fuel off of to repair and refuel your motorcycle. Plus this is another idea I had from when I got back from Iraq...


C.) Car Bombs: You think mines, exploding terminals, pants, mailboxes and grenade boquetes are bad in FWE? Well, here you can make vehicles into proximity dentonated or activated nuclear weapon with a high enough repair, science or explosives skill.


D.) Upgrade Packages: Your motocycle is modular in nature, as the alternative travel system and rideable motorcycle mod allows that. Aside from necessary upgrades like a GPS module (allows fast travel), saddle bags (Increases weight), and an armored chassis (increases bike HP), You can get different things like shock absorbers for offroad exploring so that your bike takes reduced damage from terrain (Hey- even horses in oblivion didn't like going off of steep hills); a nitrous oxide injection system (for the fast get aways, but be warned- it burns up fuel); a grenade/mine launching/laying system which can blast any persuers off of your back; a selection of paint jobs and lights; and a stealth/security package with a muffler which protects your bike by first hiding it and locking it from potential looters; A homing module that makes the vehicle mysteriously appear at your location when you call it using the Pip-boy; Heck, why not a VATS synchronization module that allows you to use VATS or AP while in mounted combat? The problem is that you can only have a select number of packages on your bike at a time, so choose carefully when you go to the dealership to get it modified.


E.) Dealership feature- adds a skilled mechanic outside of every major settlement (Tenpenny Tower, Rivet City, Megaton, Paradise Falls) whose interested in marketing these machines and who can upgrade your bike with packages (You can do it yourself, but it requires a high science/repair skill) and if you're interested, you can do quests for him rather than paying an arm or a leg for them. However, they are faction specific, (Like the paradise falls dealership) and will attack you if you go hostile against them.


F.) Correction of any known bugs and adding scripts; Why not make the motorcycle a bit more realisitic, such as your character leaning into the turns, and actually turning the handlebars instead of simply going straight into a turn? What about when idling, your character's leg supports the bike, and scripting a "jarring effect" when you hit something or go over something like a pot hole or jump. This might actually force you to watch where your going... Oh, and if you're playing with the drugs and alcohol, I wouldn't sugguest riding the damn thing if you're high off your ass.



Well, I just wanted to notify the creators of this mod- I will include their mention and help if they so choose. I also wanted to ask anyone who was willing to help with the darn thing. I also just wanted to ask if anyone was willing in helping me complete this mod. I think it would be interesting, don't you?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not sure if this counts as a necro or not, but I'll risk it. I for one, think this is a marvelous idea. Using FWE, I love using the Alternate Fast Travel. It is realistic and immersive in a wonderful way. Sadly, I have often stared at my Wasteland Explorer bike and wished I could actually sit on and drive the blasted thing! For one, it would be that much more realistic and immersive to drive to your distant and unknown destination on the bike vs hiking halfway across the Wasteland to discover said location, then hike back to get your bike. That part of the Alternate Fast Travel didn't make much sense to me. I mean, it is handy getting to and from 'discovered' places, but there are caravans in the Alternate Fast Travel that do the same already. Granted the bike allows you to save money by not paying them each trip, but I feel that a bike should allow you to go wherever you please (terrain willing).


J3Xified Drivable Motorcycle offers this ability to your bike. You can go wherever, whenever, and trick your bike out with weapons spewing hot death! On the downside, while it offers you the customization and satisfaction of driving your bike, it is missing a few of the things from Alternate Fast Travel which I so adore. The idea of refueling your bike for one. I don't think the bikes in the Wasteland are nuclear powered like the cars and buses are for one thing (if they are, then where is the earth-shattering kaboom?!). Also, repairing your vehicle is missing. In FWE riding it causes wear and tear yes, but I imagine driving into battle with miniguns blazing would produce some stress on the bike as well. What is a real deal-clincher for me though, are the saddle bags in jjgun and malacova's Alternative Travel mod. It is not only immersive and realistic, but it adds that oh so valuable loot space.


In short, I would love to see a marriage between these two mods and would love to help. Sadly, I lack the GECK and FOSE know-how to even know where to start. ┐('~`;)┌


Regardless, I think I can spare the time to start tinkering and look through more than a few tutorials.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I just recently started reading your "Necro-post", lol.


May I direct you to this thread here?




I believe the creator of the hoverchair mod helped out considerably with this, and we still aren't finished. But your help will greatly effect it's progress.

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