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Fallout 3 ENB Transparent world problem


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I need help


So as the title I hope points it out, I'm having an issue in fallout 3 with the ENB where the world is semi transparent.


screenshot of what I see in game:



Anyways I have been searching around the internet for solutions but I can't quite seem to fix mine, I have AA, AF, and water displacement turned off in the options (http://4stor.com/oXdal) and I have even taken it a step further and disabled them in the nvidia control panel (http://4stor.com/YWT5a). I don't want to give up on ENB but I need some help


some of my system specs are -

-galaxy geforce gtx 770

-intel I7 4th gen @ 3.4ghz

-8gb of patriot RAM


the mods I currently have installed are


-unofficial fallout 3 patch (1.8)

-UHQ Terrain Overhaul (2.0)

-NMC's_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 (1.0)

-Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b (2.22beta)

-Fallout 3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting (1.2)

-Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera (1.4alpha)

-Flora Overhaul (1.3C)

-Fallout 3 Re-Animated

-Hi-Res weapons v3


The ENB I'm trying to install is v0.263


Any help would be nice thanks.


and I am also new to fallout 3 modding

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If you stand and hard save in the location of that screen shot ,and disable all mods in the listed load order.

reload the game and see what takes place....taking note of the smaller things that change.


I say this because even with out ENB active I can reproduce the bug exactly as depicted here in your shot with known mods that are currently being distributed.


Note: I will not post names of the mods, just know I can show you the results, and know I have already tutored other clients concerning this bug.


what this is ...is a combination of mixed software...the mods them selves are creating this aspersion.


it's spooky, and untraceable. but you can determine where it starts from.


also note: the saved game used here...for this test will in fact retain said bug but doing as I suggested will uncover which of the mods are in fact responsible for the out come.


to verify if this takes place on a fresh game, the game you start with must be "virgin"...NO mod's , No other types of data being injected.

Go to that location under these circumstances and verify the bug is gone....No ENB..load the mods one at a time until this bug re-shows it's self.......with out the ENB in tow....and see what mod effects the world spaces.


Private counseling is available to prove this point ...if necessary.

If you know the ENB is responsible for these actions, then there is no way to fix the bugs unless you -re-enable the GECK on each mod ...1 mod at a time and never together while ENB series is active, and only for your machine will it fix the problem...do not upload any fixes from this because only your system and machine will show the fix, no one else s will.


it's up to you to follow through.


Kitty Black.

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If you stand and hard save in the location of that screen shot ,and disable all mods in the listed load order.

reload the game and see what takes place....taking note of the smaller things that change.


I say this because even with out ENB active I can reproduce the bug exactly as depicted here in your shot with known mods that are currently being distributed.


Note: I will not post names of the mods, just know I can show you the results, and know I have already tutored other clients concerning this bug.


what this is ...is a combination of mixed software...the mods them selves are creating this aspersion.


it's spooky, and untraceable. but you can determine where it starts from.


also note: the saved game used here...for this test will in fact retain said bug but doing as I suggested will uncover which of the mods are in fact responsible for the out come.


to verify if this takes place on a fresh game, the game you start with must be "virgin"...NO mod's , No other types of data being injected.

Go to that location under these circumstances and verify the bug is gone....No ENB..load the mods one at a time until this bug re-shows it's self.......with out the ENB in tow....and see what mod effects the world spaces.


Private counseling is available to prove this point ...if necessary.

If you know the ENB is responsible for these actions, then there is no way to fix the bugs unless you -re-enable the GECK on each mod ...1 mod at a time and never together while ENB series is active, and only for your machine will it fix the problem...do not upload any fixes from this because only your system and machine will show the fix, no one else s will.


it's up to you to follow through.


Kitty Black.


So what I gather your saying is on a fresh game, install ENB first to make sure that it is the ENB that's causing this?

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So what I gather your saying is on a fresh game, install ENB first to make sure that it is the ENB that's causing this?

Negative, "without it"


you already established the ENB seems to be the cause...All I am doing here is making things a bit clearer...Isolate the exact cause and determine what if any mod is responsible.


Know what the ENB does ,it depicts the data on the screen by the code it scans from with in the mods as they are the source code for that display in the game.


there IS NO data from the ENB binary to do all of this, it renders what it see's...so find the fault that is causing the ENB series *.dll to display this damage....the mods them selves will be at fault...maybe not any one mode but rather a combination of them..


I stated I can reproduce these bugs with "NO ENB" as I do not run them any more...particularly for this very reason.


Here" your post indicates a thought that the ENB is at fault....I put to you "How can that be?" it only renders code it reads.....if the code is not correct, so will the rendering be...incorrect.


But if NO additional codes / ENB's are used, removed from the game ...all instances and you your self can replicate the exact same out come or similar bugs...you will begin to understand what it does.


ENB is simply a graphics enhancement...above and way beyond factory settings for any machine or graphics cards default settings.


divide and conquer the bug's, Isolate and categorize them.


it's not any one mod that is at fault , it is the differences of the created codes in conflicting manners with any machines ability to render that code.


that's why there are many posts about many kinds of bugs....many different machines require specific fix's...it is not a generalized item to fix.


Put it another way...how does load order effect what you see? It can in a big way set things in motions and lock them in place. right?

Understand now?


some mods are not compatible with others ....Unless a mod guru changes the code with in the mods or makes an override for them ..in the form of a patch......but the "bad code remains still" just over ridden.

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