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Platform Heels / Stripper Heels


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Request for Stripper Heels / Platform Heel Mod that can be worn on the popular female bodytypes and if it is doable - works with Growlfs Body Resizing Mod...

I would love a set of platform heels that have a colored one piece lower and have clear vinyl strap just like the picture posted below.

Taller the better - lets shoot at this being the tallest heel mod available!

If I can be choosy - how about 4 different sizes or catagories of shoes - 6" heel with a 2" platform, 7" heel with a 2.5" platform, 8" heel with a 3" platform, and finally a super tall 9" heel with a 3.5" platform.

This would be a great way to add some height to those amazing ingame models - besides who doesn't love stripper heels?




What do you think guys - how close or far are we from this being a reality?

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Thanks for the suggestions guys - The Goddess store does not have them... yet. :)

Keep your fingers crossed Apachii is hard at work...and I checked the screenshots for KURESE's Lingerie Set - I didn't see anything remotely close to the platform stripper heels I posted in this thread.

(Am I missing something? Does any one have a link or screenshot to showing them?)


Thanks again.

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One more question - when these shoes are equipped - they appear to begin from her calves instead of the whole body moved up by the platform shoes height?

Is there a fix for this or am I missing some files?

Seems like skeleton or foot/nif file could be edited reseting the normal so the actual entire body would be lifted by the heels.

Any suggestions?


Very nice bben46! - now how can we mod this to work with the DMRA body?

Anyone skilled enough care to chime in and edit the meshes for the above mentioned body type?

Mucho thanks in advance!


Is this what you are looking for?


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I have permission from Bisquits to mod the heels... :thumbsup: (If I only had the skills to do it myself)


Someone with talent please take "BBB DMRA Body x2 boobs and butt" body http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35128 and "Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons" http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27945 along with information from "Real high heels for Roberts Female body Extended" http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35610 to make Bisquits Dancer Pumps into the mod it was meant to be.


Here is my best shot of illustrating the dilema.

(You can clearly see equiping the heels starts them from mid calf vs. at the correct offset location with an entire body lift of the height of the heels)




If you know anyone within the community please point them here so they can work some magic!


Thanks inadvance - Voorstryden :pirate:

Edited by Voorstryden
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