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Help! choosing mods


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Ok, im new with this Oblivion modding, and i think it will be "fun"

What im looking for? lets say i want to make a "Sexy Oblivion". So, i registered and was like: lets go and find some mods, but, there are like 18732657267198572974582749872x10^29 mods D:

I have seen many hot pictures, like those with the female body textures (nude and other things); also, some pretty good looking armours and clothes.

So...is anyone kind enough to share with me the best mods for what im looking for?

Also, im downloading the Unnoficial Oblivion patch v3.2 and that makes another question: if i install that patch, i will be able to install the expansions, right?

Thanks in advance


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well, it just depends on what you like

as far as i know, the body mod selection is either HGEC (in one of it's many types and forms) or FF, or Robert's

and as far as i know, the largest amount of mods is for HGEC


but HGEC comes in many shapes, sizes and styles, so you will have to choose what you like best (as in, what is the size you want for the body, and such)


and it's really hard to tell you of good mods, as i don't even know what you are looking for.....

i mean, sexy mods can be many things, and it also depends on what you like

but if what you are looking for is sexy clothing, and you do decide to download the HGEC body, then you can just do a search for HGEC (either in the name or description), and choose the downloads and descending options, so you'll see the most popular (or most downloaded) mods

this should make it easier to browse the hundreds, if not thousands of clothings and armors for the HGEC body


hope this help

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Allright, i found some pics...hope this help. I really dont care about the armor or clothes on the pics, but i want to know the name of the body mods used xd (and name of custom race, in case it is a custom one):







I found some nice clothes,armor and weapon sets yesterday ^^

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well, the first is some kind of elf, maybe the lop ears elf mod, but i am really not sure

the second and third, i think, are the Corean race, found here

and the last is the Chocolate elf race, found here

at least, i think this is right

do note, however, that people do use manipulation on pictures, so you might not get a character to look like that

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