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Finding NPC's after letting them go


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After I figured out how to let go an NPC to pick up another (let go Veronica to pick up Cass for the Van Graff gig) I sent Veronica back to the Lucky 38.


M'kay - so finished up with Cass - goto the Lucky 38 - no Veronica. Wait a few days - nada. Goto 188 - nothing. Goto BOS bunker - nothing.

The same goes for Lily - they have evaporated - so what glaringly obvious point am I missing here. Is this just noob silliness - or a bug, or something else?


As an aside - Ed-E however had no problem going back it's point of origin.

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I found a trick for the console that has solved the problem (Using the Player Moveto <NPC ID>) - BUT - the fact this happens to begin with is a pain - couple that with script issues with some of the quests is the components of the quest done ina certain order - I have to say I am a little disappointed Obsidian - come on guys you set the standard - you know you can do better. Having to faff about trying to fix an issue in the light of an ever increasing number of crashes (Gommorah is a pain) it's beginning to get on my nerves.
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