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New to modding


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I would like to know if anyone knows of a really in depth tutorial from start to in-game on how to create a weapon it could be a melee weapon or a gun it doesn't matter I'm trying to get into modding because I have some fun ideas but I can't for the life of me find a weapon making tutorial anywhere so if anyone knows of one they used to start or think its really good post some links and I would be very appreciative.


I know that there have probably been other posts like this but they didn't help also I went to the tutorial sticky in another forum here but also didn't help in the slightest because all the tutorials there required some previous knowledge I already know some stuff about blender like how to create a very simple mesh like a machete and to some slight extent a texture for it but I can't find simple instructions on how to get it and the texture in game from blender.


So like I said anything would be helpful since I want to let the creative juices flow

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